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4th Royal Fusiliers No. 11892 King ....


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I have quite a bit of info re: my grandfather 11892CQMS King MM of the 4th Royal fusiliers. I know he was an O. Contempible, and I also have his medals, amongst others he has the MM, problem is I don't know why? It looks as if he applied for a copy of his citation in 1962 and recieved a reply that records are no longer available. It would appear that the medal was awarded in June 1917.

Is there anyone out there who knows where and what the fusiliers were doing (apart from the obvious!) in June 1917.

Any help would be appreciated. Please email. Thanks for reading.

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Thanks for that!

London Gazette (supplement) 18th June 1917 reads:

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the field to the undermentioned Non-commissioned officers and men.

Grandfather is included in the list.

Is this as good as it gets or can I obtain more specific information??

Thanks for your interest

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That may well be as good as it gets. There's no citation in the Gazette for the MM.

There may be something in the War Diary (held at the Public Record Office), but don't hold your breath. If there is anything, it's going to be around 3 months or so before the Gazette date


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The Battalion was in the 9th Brigade, 3rd Division. For details of the actions of the Division see this link to the mother site:


You may find further details of his MM award in the battalion war diary or via the Regimental Museum:



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Again .. Thanks

Bit disappointing as I'd really like to know what he did!

If there are any Royal Fusiliers buffs out there I've got a few bits of memorabilia relating to the regiment, notably reunion dinner menus held at Thames House and signed by a few worthies including Godley VC. I also have a banquet photo circa 1937/8 with clear images of attendees, maybe some other subscribers relatives? Let me know if this is of interest to anyone.

I also have a postcard/ photo of C.O. Macmahon, inscribed "Dear old Mac - killed when leading the charge at Ypres 11th Nov 1914.

Please note None of this is for sale but I may be able to get copies made.

Thanks for replies.


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