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The White Cross Touring Atlas

Tom Tulloch-Marshall

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Maybe of interest to anybody who owns or has access to a copy of The White Cross Touring Atlas Of The Western Battlefields

I have recently been corresponding with a very helpful lady called Anna Stone, who is the Group Archivist for the Aviva Insurance group, - The White Cross Insurance Association (what was the Red Cross Indemnity Assurance Company) being Aviva's original antecedents. Anna was looking at records which may have shown when the touring atlas was published - information which may have been useful to know :huh:

Nothing definite has come to light, but her latest advice is as follows >

Tom, Sorry about the delay - I went through all the board minutes but found no reference to the booklet (although I did find references to staff who died in the war and will be able to add them to our on-line memorial. )

I tried another tack and have been able to narrow down the date of publication using references to the opening and closure or branch offices as listed at the front of the booklet. Looking at the branches listed the booklet must have been printed (or sent for printing) before November 1919 (as this is when a new branch was established in Cardiff which is not listed in the booklet) and after July 22 1919 as this is when the new Norwich branch was opened which is listed in the booklet. I am sorry not to be more accurate but hope that the slightly more accurate date will be of some use and would be interested to know if it ties in with your thoughts having seen the cemeteries listed and omitted.

Regards, Anna

If anybody else has any useful information about this publication I'd be pleased to hear of it.

By the way - Aviva's website has a heritage section which includes a significant WW1 element >


Look at "letters home" for example.

regards - Tom

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Thanks Tom,

I have a copy of this and with no publication date suspected it was early, but not quite as early as seems likley from this e-mail. In fact, it was quite an achievement to get a pretty comprehensive listing and maps published so soon after the war had ended. It would seem from your post some cemeteries are missing - although I guess some post-war concentration cemeteries might not have been created if it was published less than a year after the war ended?


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I have a copy of Muirhead's Belgium and The Western Front, British and American, published 1920. I wonder if there are any similarities? I find it useful when over there, better than Ward Lock and Co, to see what it was like at the end.

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Fascinating and also reassuring that Aviva haven't dumped their heritage.

Dates back to when a company cared about the fate of it's wartime soldiers and I'd like to encourage efforts on helping resolve this...

The more Big Business understands that this area has a great following, the better able we will be to eork together to ensure our heritage is not lost.....

The clues between the dates of offices opening is really useful.

I am surprised that it seems to be as early as 1919, which reflects great credit on the corporate image of Aviva and its forebears... any other clues as to better dating?

Which cemeteries are mentioned and which are not? Any Plot details which might help narrow down when cemeteries were concentrated?

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................. I am surprised that it seems to be as early as 1919, ................................. Which cemeteries are mentioned and which are not? Any Plot details which might help narrow down when cemeteries were concentrated?

Kevin - I was also slightly surprised by the indications being towards publication probably between August and October 1919. If you take into account an allowance for information gathering, arranging printing, etc etc, then that might point to the process being put in motion - when - second quarter of 1919, or maybe even earlier ?

It would be fascinating to find out the mechanics of how this publication was researched and put into production, but I think that if such detail had been available then Anna Stone at Aviva would probably have already found it. (Archives being archives though - "new" information seems always to be coming to light and maybe something will be found in the future).

I rather suspect that The White Cross Insurance Association may have obtained the original cemetery details from the IWGC rather than researching and compiling the information themselves. Huge areas were in a state of devestation in 1919 and I would think that British civilians would have had physical difficulty in accessing the areas (not to mention the danger from munitions etc). One possibly telling reference in the text of the atlas says that "Albert has been utterly devastated by the continuous bombardment to which it was subjected, and which became especially severe during the operations of 1918." The reference to 1918 in the past tense is no great revelation, but note that Albert "has been" rather than "was" - surely an inference that no reconstruction has begun - again pointing to very early publication of the atlas (?).

The atlas shows no hint of Warlencourt British Cemetery or Delville Wood Cemetery (for example), and London Cemetery at High Wood is indexed as just that, - no reference to the Extension in the current title. In passing, Tyne Cot is indexed as Tyne Cottage Cemetery, Passchendaele, and just to confuse you Ninth Avenue Cemetery at Haisnes (Loos) is indexed as Tenth Avenue (is that simply an error or is there any historical accuracy in that ?).

Its the illustration of the cemeteries which did exist at the time the atlas was compiled which is of most interest - for example there are five between the SE corner of High Wood and the High Wood to Bazentin-le-Petit road. Unfortunately though the atlas illustrates the cemetery numbers but indexes by cemetery name, so if you dont already know the name you have to trawl the number column to find out what the cemetery was called. I dont suppose anybody has ever reconfigured this index so you can search it by cemetery number ? :rolleyes: (can I have a copy please !?).

Nb - IWM indexes this atlas as "n/d" as well (no publication date).

regards - Tom

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I too am surprised how early this publication is. Of course, this is a practical touring atlas and I would imagine that the IWGC would have been keen to assist in making such a publication available.

I too have been frustrated by the indexing in my copy. I wonder how many were published?

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  • 9 years later...

My copy arrived today in Canada - yahoo!


I was checking on the date, to make sure it is not in copyright. I don't want to publish any maps or tables if that is the case. I still need to determine when Alexander Gross died to accommodate the "Life + 50 years" rule. That would make the current cut-off date as 1969, which is possible.


I also want to check if GWF members have copies for sale, as publishing to Archive.org may impact on the resale value of paper copies.


My first task was to check on Irish Farm Cemetery, as the New Irish Farm Cemetery might have existed at that time as well. There is only one of the two in the book (#844). Some of us question as to whether the CWGC has the locations correct, particularly for the internment of the most recent burials of the Royal Fusiliers (GWF Topic).

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  • 1 month later...

I have completed the scanning of the booklet and it is loaded.


I also found the problem with the index, so I ran a test to use Paperport to convert the table so it can be sorted. It is possible, but it takes a lot of work to get it perfect. Here is an example:


For the example I took a small section of the first page of the index, which can be a .max, .pdf or .jpeg file.




Using Nuance PaperPort you drag that image into the conversion box for WORD or some similar text program. It is easier to clean up up in a text program than to go directly to a SPREADSHEET. The above now appears as below, after it has been cleaned up a bit. That is the biggest task, as you can see a number of scrambled items.


41buera Cemetery, Bailleul-sire-Berthoult 49    F 14  23

&ldershot Military Cemetery, Bouchavesnes 55    F 18  24

Allery Communal Cemetery...........9            E 6   1968

Allonville Communal Cemetery  . .   ..    10    G 6   25

Amerval Communal Cemetery Extension, Solesmes   59    M 16  26

Ancre British Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel..  50    D 17  27

Ancre River Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel ..   50    D 17  28

Andigny-les-Fermes      British     Cemetery    Vaux                

..........................Andigny.......  12    J     5     29

Angle Wood Cemetery, Ginchy   55    F 18  30

............Angreau Communal Cemetery     12    K 4   2129

.............     46    E 13  32

Angres Churchyard            

Angres Road Cemetery, Givenchy-en-Gohelle 47    E 13  33

Anneux British Cemetery, Anneux ..  ..    53    H 16  35


That can then be copied and pasted into EXCEL so you get a SPREADSHEET version:


Cemetery Page X Y #
Albuera Cemetery, Bailleul-sire-Berthoult 49 F 14 23
Aldershot Military Cemetery, Bouchavesues 55 F 18 24
Allery Communal Cemetery 9 E 6 1968
Allonville Communal Cemetery 10 G 6 25
Amerval Communal Cemetery Extension, Solesmes 59 M 16 26
Ancre British Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel 50 D 17 27
Ancre River Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel 50 D 17 28
Andigny-les-Fermes British Cemetery Vaux 12 J 5 29
Angle Wood Cemetery, Ginchy 55 F 18 30
Angreau Communal Cemetery 12 K 4 2129
Angres Churchyard 46 E 13 32
Angres Road Cemetery, Givenchy-en-Gohelle 47 E 13 33
Anneux British Cemetery, Anneux 53 H 16



Which you can then use the DATA/SORT function to put them in order of map number: (this is automatic and you can sort any way you want in seconds)


Cemetery Page X Y #
Albuera Cemetery, Bailleul-sire-Berthoult 49 F 14 23
Aldershot Military Cemetery, Bouchavesues 55 F 18 24
Allonville Communal Cemetery 10 G 6 25
Amerval Communal Cemetery Extension, Solesmes 59 M 16 26
Ancre British Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel 50 D 17 27
Ancre River Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel 50 D 17 28
Andigny-les-Fermes British Cemetery Vaux 12 J 5 29
Angle Wood Cemetery, Ginchy 55 F 18 30
Angres Churchyard 46 E 13 32
Angres Road Cemetery, Givenchy-en-Gohelle 47 E 13 33
Anneux British Cemetery, Anneux 53 H 16 35
Allery Communal Cemetery 9 E 6 1968
Angreau Communal Cemetery 12 K 4 2129


There are thirty-five (35) index pages and this example is only part of a page. Probably the only way to complete this task would be to "crowd source" it out to members and have each person clean up one page. I can take the raw images and make that into the raw text, if others want to participate in the "clean up" phase. We would also need a few people to participate in the "proof reading" of the final tables.

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That's fascinating! When you say you have scanned it is it available for us to see , for instance would love to know where Angle Wood Cemetery was in Ginchy?

Kind regards


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A copy of this historic book finally became available in the UK. It was flagged and the purchase made.

As with all of these great treasures, I buy them when I can and share them as best I can, within the confines of the copyright laws.

It is now available from the MATRIX COLLECTION on Archive.org at this link:



I am not seeking any payment for this booklet, however you are welcome to make a contribution to Archive.org, as like many depository sites they rely on funding from the users.They have a donate button in the header.

I have also uploaded the raw scanned pages and various other versions to our shared MediaFire collection:


The White Cross Touring Atlas of the Western Battlefields


Some may prefer to download the ZIPPED version of all the pages from that site, as those are full scale JPEG images, so easy to enlarge to look for specific information.


I have created a folder on the MediaFire site for the Crowd-Sourcing Project as described in post #9. There you will find the index pages as individual sheets which you can use to create one of the index pages. Pick a page and when you are working on it, save it in the My Page Sub-Folder so others know that one is being completed. I will consolidate them all into the master EXCEL spreadsheet, which others can then download and use. I have made the folders but it will take a few minutes to get all the files in place for the project. If all works as planned, these links are special FILE DROP FOLDERS so you can upload as well as download to these folders form that link, however so far I have only got that to work on the My Page Sub-Folder ??




The White Cross Touring Atlas of the Western Battlefields

Produced for the White Cross Insurance Association Ltd. by Geographia Ltd, both of London UK. This book contains 64 full coloured maps and war graves index of over 1,700 cemeteries on the Western Front. The date has always been a question, but is now believed to be circa 1920.

A complex process of clearing the battlefields and concentration of smaller cemeteries into larger cemeteries continued long after the Great War of 1914-1918 was over. Many of the cemeteries mapped in this book no longer exist. Some of the newer cemeteries may not be listed. Researchers will need to determine which cemetery is shown "the old or the new", such as in the case of the Irish Farm Cemetery near Ypres, Belgium.



d6805gpfmh3lyo16g.jpg iv5qpzrit7yzl0s6g.jpg


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42 minutes ago, KIRKY said:

That's fascinating! When you say you have scanned it is it available for us to see , for instance would love to know where Angle Wood Cemetery was in Ginchy?

Kind regards


The White Cross Atlas doesn’t contain any map references so this one comes from another source Tony,

Angle Wood Cemetery, Ginchy 62c.B.c.2.3



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2 minutes ago, jay dubaya said:

The White Cross Atlas doesn’t contain any map references so this one comes from another source Tony,

Angle Wood Cemetery, Ginchy 62c.B.c.2.3



THanks thats great, will try and locate it later today.


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The Crowd-Sourcing of the White Cross Atlas


5 hours ago, laughton said:

I have created a folder on the MediaFire site for the Crowd-Sourcing Project as described in post #9. There you will find the index pages as individual sheets which you can use to create one of the index pages. Pick a page and when you are working on it, save it in the My Page Sub-Folder so others know that one is being completed. I will consolidate them all into the master EXCEL spreadsheet, which others can then download and use. I have made the folders but it will take a few minutes to get all the files in place for the project. If all works as planned, these links are special FILE DROP FOLDERS so you can upload as well as download to these folders form that link, however so far I have only got that to work on the My Page Sub-Folder ??


The index pages were separated and converted and are now on the MediaFire site for the Crowd-Sourcing exercise. I do hope we get some worker bees to help with this, as we will all benefit.

I then did the page 145 conversion of the raw text to clean text and then turned that into an EXCEL file and loaded into:

so that anyone can see the process as an example. In this case I left the Map Square column as combined in the original instead of "X" and "Y" as in the earlier example.


There is a second version of that folder which is a "File Drop" where you can UPLOAD the pages that you have completed:

You can drag & drop a file from your computer into that folder or click the "+" sign and pick the file or folder from your computer.


I did a second page (144) to see how it would work putting them together in an EXCEL spreadsheet. That is now here, works fine! Note there are three (3) coloured tabs at the bottom, so you can see it by ALPHABETIC, NUMERIC, or PAGE #.

Edited by laughton
Updating as progressing ......
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  • 3 months later...

Sadly, no "Crowd-Sourcing" volunteers to date.


But now that I am more or less stuck here with my COVID-19 exterminator kit, I might as well plug away at these. I found the process can be simplified by eliminating the step of correcting the text in WORD before going to EXCEL. I did page 143 this morning and went right from the raw text (Single Index Pages Raw Text) to the excel version. You can either copy the raw text and paste it in Excel or open the raw text file with Excel. It takes about 30 minutes to clean up a page - BUT I can see they are not perfect as I noticed a number of references such as "B 14" might show up as "D 14", so proofreading will be necessary at some point.


Here is how the table appears, now that I found out how to use the SPOILER BUTTON (the little "eye"). This is page 143, 144 and 145.


Name of Cemetery Page Map Square No. on Map
Wimereux Communal Cemetery 2 E 3 2254
Villers -Guislain German Cemetery 53 H 18 1680
Vendegies Communal Cemetery 59 M 16 1653
Vendegies Cross Roads, British Cemetery, Bermerain 58 M 15 1654
Vendegies Cross-Roads German Cemetery 58 M 15 1869
Vendelles Communal Cemetery Extension 57 H 20 1655
Vendresse Communal Cemetery 60 - 2246
Verchain British Cemetery 12 J 4 1657
Vermand Communal Cemetery 57 H 20 1658
Vermelles British Cemetery 46 E 12 1659
Vermelles Communal Cemetery 46 E 12 1660
Verneuil Cemetery 60 - 2247
Verneuil Chateau Military Cemetery.. 60 - 2248
Vernon Street Cemetery (Squeak Forward Position) Carnoy 55 E 18 1661
Verquin Communal Cemetery 44 D 11 1662
Vertain Communal Cemetery Extension 59 M 15 1663
Vertigneul Churchyard, Romeries 59 M 16 1664
Vertus Communal Cemetery 30 K 9 2249
Vicogne Communal Cemetery 10 F 5 1956
Vicq Communal Cemetery 12 J 4 1957
Vieille Chapelle Churchyard 44 D 10 1665
Vieille Chapelle New Military Cemetery 44 D 10 1666
Vieille Chapelle Old Military Cemetery 44 B 10 1667
Viell Arcy British Cemetery 60 - 2250
Viesly Communal Cemetery, German Extension 59 L 16 1668
Vignacourt British Cemetery 10 F 5 2251
Vijverhoek Brasserie Cemetery 41 F 7 1788
Villa Wood Cemetery, Contalmaison 54 E 18 1670
Villeneuve St. George's Communal Cemetery 28 G 10 2252
Villereau Churchyard 12 J 4 1958
Villers Faucon Communal Cemetery 57 H 19 1677
Villers Faucon Communal Cemetery Extension 57 11 19 1678
Villers Hill Cemetery, Villers-Guislain 57 J 18 1681
Villers Pol Communal Cemetery Extension 58 N 14 1683
Villers Station Military Cemetery 46 D 13 1684
Villers-au-Bois French Military Cemetery 46 D 13 1671
Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery 10 F 5 1672
Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery Extension 10 F 5 1673
Villers-Bretonmieux Military Cemetery 21 G 6 361
Villers-Bretonneux Communal Cemetery 21 G 6 1674
Villers-Bretonneux Communal Cemetery Extension 21 G 6 1675
Villers-en-Cauchies Communal Cemetery 12 J 5 1676
Villers-Guislain Communal Cemetery 53 H 18 1679
Villers-Plouich Communal Cemetery 53 H 17 1682
Ville-sur-Ancre Communal Cemetery 54 D 19 1685
Vimy Canadian Cemetery No. 1 47 E 13 1687
Vimy Canadian Cemetery No. 2 47 E 13 1688
Vimy Communal Cemetery, Farbus 47 B 13 1689
Vis-en-Artois British Cemetery, Haucourt 49 G 15 1691
Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery 40 E 6 1692
Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery 40 E 7 1693
Vogenle Communal Cemetery 13 L 4 2120
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 1 41 F 7 1694
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 2 41 F 7 1695
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 4 41 F 7 1697
Voormezele Enclosure No. 3 41 F 7 1696
Voyennes Churchyard Cemetery 21 H 6 1960
Voyennes Communal Cemetery 21 H 6 1959
Vraignes Communal Cemetery 56 H 20 1698
Vraucourt Copse British Cemetery, Vaulx-Vraucourt 51 F 16 1699
Vrély Communal Cemetery Extension 21 G 6 1700
Waggon Road (V. Corps Cemetery No. 10) Beaumont-Hamel 59 D 17 1701
Wailly Military Cemetery 48 E 15 1702
Wailly Orchard Cemetery 48 E 15 1703
Wallon-Cappel Churchyard 3 G 3 1961
Wambaix Communal Cemetery 11 J5 1962
Wancourt British Cemetery 49 F 15 1704
Wancourt Road British Cemetery, Neuville Vitasse 49 F 15 1705
Wanquetin Communal Cemetery 11 G 4 1707
Wanquetin Communal Cemetery Extension 11 G4 1708
Warcoing Communal Cemetery 4 J3 2121
Wargnies-le-Grand Churchyard 12 J4 1709
Wargnies-le-Petit Chateau 12 J4 1711
Wargnies-le-Petit Communal Cemetery 12 J4 1710
Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery, Saulty 11 G5 1712
Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery 11 G5 1713
Warloy-Baillon Communal Communal Cemetery Extension 11 G 5 1714
Warquignies Communal Cemetery 12 K4 2122
Warry Copse Cemetery, Courcelles-le-Comte 51 E 16 1715
Warvillers Churchyard Extension 21 G6 1716
Wassigny Communal Cemetery 12 J 5 1963
Waterloo Farm Cemetery, Passchendaele 41 G6 1718
Watou Churchyard 3 G2 1964
Watten Churchyard 3 F 3 2123
Wattrelos Communal Cemetery 4 H 3 1717
Wavans British Cemetery 10 F 5 2253
Wavrans Churchyard 10 F 3 2125
Wavre Communal Cemetery 5 M 3 2124
Wavrin Communal Cemetery 45 G10 1719
Wellington Cemetery, Ploegsteert 43 F 8 1720
Wellington Cemetery, Rieux 11 J5 1721
Welsh Cemetery, Caesar's Nose, Boesinghe  41 F 6 1722
Welsh Cemetery, Longueval 51 E 18 1723
West Cemetery, Richebourg St. Vaast 44 E 10 1725
West Yorkshires' Cemetery, Equancourt 52 G18 1739
Westhof Farm, Neuve Eglise 42 E 8 1726
Westoutre British Cemetery 40 E 7 1728
Westoutre Churchyard 40 E 7 1727
Westoutre Churchyard Extension 40 E7 1729
White Chateau British Cemetery Cachy 21 G6 -
White City, Bois Grenier 43 F 9 1732
White House, Menin Road Ypres 41 F 7 1734
White House, St. Jean 41 F6 1735
Wieltje Farm Cemetery, St. Jean 41 F 6 1736
Wieltje Road Cemetery, Langemarck 41 F 6 1737
Wilde Wood Cemetery, Zonnebeke 41 F 6 1738
Willems Communal Cemetery 11 J3 1739
Willow British Cemetery, Boiry St. Rictrude 50 E 16 1740
Wiltshire Farm, Ridgewood, near Dickebusch 41 F 7 1741
Winchester Road Cemetery, Laventie 45 E 10 1742
Windmill British Cemetery Monchy-le-Preux 49 F 15 1743
Winnezeele Churchyard 3 G3 1965
Wizernes Churchyard 3 F 3 2126
Woburn Abbey, Cuinchy 44 E 11 1744
Wood British Cemetery, Wiencourt-Equipee 21 G6 1746
Woods Military Cemetery, Zillebeke 41 F 7 1747
Wormhoudt Communal Cemetery 3 G2 1966
Wulverghem Churchyard 43 F 8 1748
Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road, Military Cemetery 43 F 8 1749
Wytschaete Cemetery 41 F 7 1750
X Farm, Chapelle d'Armentières 43 F 9 1751
Y Farm Military Cemetery, Touquet-des-Mages-Femmes, near Bois Grenier 43 F 10 1752
Y Ravine British Cemetery No. 1 (V Corps Cemetery No. 17), Beaumont-Hamel  50 B 17 1753
York British Cemetery, Haspres 12 J5 1756
Yorkshire Cemetery (Zouave Villa), St. Jean 41 F 6 1757
Ypres Reservoir Middle Cemetery 41 F 6 1759
Ypres Reservoir North Cemetery 41 F 7 1760
Ypres Reservoir South Cemetery 41 F 7 1761
YRavine German Cemetery No. 2, Beaumont-Hamel 50 D17 1755
Ytres Churchyard Cemetery 52 G 17 1764
Ytres German Cemetery 52 U 17 1765
Zelobes Indian Cemetery, Lacouture 44 D 10 1766
Zouave Valley British Cemetery, Souchez 46 E 13 1767
Zouave Villa Strong Post, Boesinghe 41 F 6 1768
Zudausques Churchyard 3 F 3 2127
Zuydcoote Military Cemetery 3 U 2 1769


The example above was the table that was in the original alphabetic list format. The purpose of this exercise was to make a table that can be "SEARCHED" as well as "SORTED". Here is the same table, first sorted numerically by the MAP NO and then by PAGE #. I could also add the version sorted on the MAP SQUARE.


Sorted numerically:

Name of Cemetery Page Map Square No. on Map
Villers-Bretonmieux Military Cemetery 21 G 6 361
Vendegies Communal Cemetery 59 M 16 1653
Vendegies Cross Roads, British Cemetery, Bermerain 58 M 15 1654
Vendelles Communal Cemetery Extension 57 H 20 1655
Verchain British Cemetery 12 J 4 1657
Vermand Communal Cemetery 57 H 20 1658
Vermelles British Cemetery 46 E 12 1659
Vermelles Communal Cemetery 46 E 12 1660
Vernon Street Cemetery (Squeak Forward Position) Carnoy 55 E 18 1661
Verquin Communal Cemetery 44 D 11 1662
Vertain Communal Cemetery Extension 59 M 15 1663
Vertigneul Churchyard, Romeries 59 M 16 1664
Vieille Chapelle Churchyard 44 D 10 1665
Vieille Chapelle New Military Cemetery 44 D 10 1666
Vieille Chapelle Old Military Cemetery 44 B 10 1667
Viesly Communal Cemetery, German Extension 59 L 16 1668
Villa Wood Cemetery, Contalmaison 54 E 18 1670
Villers-au-Bois French Military Cemetery 46 D 13 1671
Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery 10 F 5 1672
Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery Extension 10 F 5 1673
Villers-Bretonneux Communal Cemetery 21 G 6 1674
Villers-Bretonneux Communal Cemetery Extension 21 G 6 1675
Villers-en-Cauchies Communal Cemetery 12 J 5 1676
Villers Faucon Communal Cemetery 57 H 19 1677
Villers Faucon Communal Cemetery Extension 57 11 19 1678
Villers-Guislain Communal Cemetery 53 H 18 1679
Villers -Guislain German Cemetery 53 H 18 1680
Villers Hill Cemetery, Villers-Guislain 57 J 18 1681
Villers-Plouich Communal Cemetery 53 H 17 1682
Villers Pol Communal Cemetery Extension 58 N 14 1683
Villers Station Military Cemetery 46 D 13 1684
Ville-sur-Ancre Communal Cemetery 54 D 19 1685
Vimy Canadian Cemetery No. 1 47 E 13 1687
Vimy Canadian Cemetery No. 2 47 E 13 1688
Vimy Communal Cemetery, Farbus 47 B 13 1689
Vis-en-Artois British Cemetery, Haucourt 49 G 15 1691
Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery 40 E 6 1692
Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery 40 E 7 1693
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 1 41 F 7 1694
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 2 41 F 7 1695
Voormezele Enclosure No. 3 41 F 7 1696
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 4 41 F 7 1697
Vraignes Communal Cemetery 56 H 20 1698
Vraucourt Copse British Cemetery, Vaulx-Vraucourt 51 F 16 1699
Vrély Communal Cemetery Extension 21 G 6 1700
Waggon Road (V. Corps Cemetery No. 10) Beaumont-Hamel 59 D 17 1701
Wailly Military Cemetery 48 E 15 1702
Wailly Orchard Cemetery 48 E 15 1703
Wancourt British Cemetery 49 F 15 1704
Wancourt Road British Cemetery, Neuville Vitasse 49 F 15 1705
Wanquetin Communal Cemetery 11 G 4 1707
Wanquetin Communal Cemetery Extension 11 G4 1708
Wargnies-le-Grand Churchyard 12 J4 1709
Wargnies-le-Petit Communal Cemetery 12 J4 1710
Wargnies-le-Petit Chateau 12 J4 1711
Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery, Saulty 11 G5 1712
Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery 11 G5 1713
Warloy-Baillon Communal Communal Cemetery Extension 11 G 5 1714
Warry Copse Cemetery, Courcelles-le-Comte 51 E 16 1715
Warvillers Churchyard Extension 21 G6 1716
Wattrelos Communal Cemetery 4 H 3 1717
Waterloo Farm Cemetery, Passchendaele 41 G6 1718
Wavrin Communal Cemetery 45 G10 1719
Wellington Cemetery, Ploegsteert 43 F 8 1720
Wellington Cemetery, Rieux 11 J5 1721
Welsh Cemetery, Caesar's Nose, Boesinghe  41 F 6 1722
Welsh Cemetery, Longueval 51 E 18 1723
West Cemetery, Richebourg St. Vaast 44 E 10 1725
Westhof Farm, Neuve Eglise 42 E 8 1726
Westoutre Churchyard 40 E 7 1727
Westoutre British Cemetery 40 E 7 1728
Westoutre Churchyard Extension 40 E. 7 1729
White City, Bois Grenier 43 F 9 1732
White House, Menin Road Ypres 41 F 7 1734
White House, St. Jean 41 F6 1735
Wieltje Farm Cemetery, St. Jean 41 F 6 1736
Wieltje Road Cemetery, Langemarck 41 F 6 1737
Wilde Wood Cemetery, Zonnebeke 41 F 6 1738
West Yorkshires' Cemetery, Equancourt 52 G18 1739
Willems Communal Cemetery 11 J3 1739
Willow British Cemetery, Boiry St. Rictrude 50 E 16 1740
Wiltshire Farm, Ridgewood, near Dickebusch 41 F 7 1741
Winchester Road Cemetery, Laventie 45 E 10 1742
Windmill British Cemetery Monchy-le-Preux 49 F 15 1743
Woburn Abbey, Cuinchy 44 E 11 1744
Wood British Cemetery, Wiencourt-Equipee 21 G6 1746
Woods Military Cemetery, Zillebeke 41 F 7 1747
Wulverghem Churchyard 43 F 8 1748
Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road, Military Cemetery 43 F 8 1749
Wytschaete Cemetery 41 F 7 1750
X Farm, Chapelle d'Armentières 43 F 9 1751
Y Farm Military Cemetery, Touquet-des-Mages-Femmes, near Bois Grenier 43 F 10 1752
Y Ravine British Cemetery No. 1 (V Corps Cemetery No. 17), Beaumont-Hamel  50 B 17 1753
YRavine German Cemetery No. 2, Beaumont-Hamel 50 D17 1755
York British Cemetery, Haspres 12 J5 1756
Yorkshire Cemetery (Zouave Villa), St. Jean 41 F 6 1757
Ypres Reservoir Middle Cemetery 41 F 6 1759
Ypres Reservoir North Cemetery 41 F 7 1760
Ypres Reservoir South Cemetery 41 F 7 1761
Ytres Churchyard Cemetery 52 G 17 1764
Ytres German Cemetery 52 U 17 1765
Zelobes Indian Cemetery, Lacouture 44 D 10 1766
Zouave Valley British Cemetery, Souchez 46 E 13 1767
Zouave Villa Strong Post, Boesinghe 41 F 6 1768
Zuydcoote Military Cemetery 3 U 2 1769
Vijverhoek Brasserie Cemetery 41 F 7 1788
Vendegies Cross-Roads German Cemetery 58 M 15 1869
Vicogne Communal Cemetery 10 F 5 1956
Vicq Communal Cemetery 12 J 4 1957
Villereau Churchyard 12 J 4 1958
Voyennes Communal Cemetery 21 H 6 1959
Voyennes Churchyard Cemetery 21 H 6 1960
Wallon-Cappel Churchyard 3 G 3 1961
Wambaix Communal Cemetery 11 J5 1962
Wassigny Communal Cemetery 12 J 5 1963
Watou Churchyard 3 G2 1964
Winnezeele Churchyard 3 G3 1965
Wormhoudt Communal Cemetery 3 G2 1966
Vogenle Communal Cemetery 13 L 4 2120
Warcoing Communal Cemetery 4 J3 2121
Warquignies Communal Cemetery 12 K4 2122
Watten Churchyard 3 F 3 2123
Wavre Communal Cemetery 5 M 3 2124
Wavrans Churchyard 10 F 3 2125
Wizernes Churchyard 3 F 3 2126
Zudausques Churchyard 3 F 3 2127
Vendresse Communal Cemetery 60 - 2246
Verneuil Cemetery 60 - 2247
Verneuil Chateau Military Cemetery.. 60 - 2248
Vertus Communal Cemetery 30 K 9 2249
Viell Arcy British Cemetery 60 - 2250
Vignacourt British Cemetery 10 F 5 2251
Villeneuve St. George's Communal Cemetery 28 G 10 2252
Wavans British Cemetery 10 F 5 2253
 Wimereux Communal Cemetery 2 E 3 2254
White Chateau British Cemetery Cachy 21 G6 -


Sorted by page number:

Name of Cemetery Page Map Square No. on Map
Wimereux Communal Cemetery 2 E 3 2254
Wallon-Cappel Churchyard 3 G 3 1961
Watou Churchyard 3 G2 1964
Winnezeele Churchyard 3 G3 1965
Wormhoudt Communal Cemetery 3 G2 1966
Watten Churchyard 3 F 3 2123
Wizernes Churchyard 3 F 3 2126
Zudausques Churchyard 3 F 3 2127
Zuydcoote Military Cemetery 3 U 2 1769
Wattrelos Communal Cemetery 4 H 3 1717
Warcoing Communal Cemetery 4 J3 2121
Wavre Communal Cemetery 5 M 3 2124
Wavrans Churchyard 10 F 3 2125
Wavans British Cemetery 10 F 5 2253
Vicogne Communal Cemetery 10 F 5 1956
Vignacourt British Cemetery 10 F 5 2251
Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery 10 F 5 1672
Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery Extension 10 F 5 1673
Wanquetin Communal Cemetery 11 G 4 1707
Wanquetin Communal Cemetery Extension 11 G4 1708
Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery, Saulty 11 G5 1712
Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery 11 G5 1713
Warloy-Baillon Communal Communal Cemetery Extension 11 G 5 1714
Wellington Cemetery, Rieux 11 J5 1721
Willems Communal Cemetery 11 J3 1739
Wambaix Communal Cemetery 11 J5 1962
Wargnies-le-Grand Churchyard 12 J4 1709
Wargnies-le-Petit Communal Cemetery 12 J4 1710
Wargnies-le-Petit Chateau 12 J4 1711
Wassigny Communal Cemetery 12 J 5 1963
Warquignies Communal Cemetery 12 K4 2122
York British Cemetery, Haspres 12 J5 1756
Verchain British Cemetery 12 J 4 1657
Vicq Communal Cemetery 12 J 4 1957
Villereau Churchyard 12 J 4 1958
Villers-en-Cauchies Communal Cemetery 12 J 5 1676
Vogenle Communal Cemetery 13 L 4 2120
Warvillers Churchyard Extension 21 G6 1716
Wood British Cemetery, Wiencourt-Equipee 21 G6 1746
White Chateau British Cemetery Cachy 21 G6 -
Villers-Bretonneux Communal Cemetery 21 G 6 1674
Villers-Bretonneux Communal Cemetery Extension 21 G 6 1675
Villers-Bretonmieux Military Cemetery 21 G 6 361
Voyennes Churchyard Cemetery 21 H 6 1960
Voyennes Communal Cemetery 21 H 6 1959
Vrély Communal Cemetery Extension 21 G 6 1700
Villeneuve St. George's Communal Cemetery 28 G 10 2252
Vertus Communal Cemetery 30 K 9 2249
Westoutre Churchyard 40 E 7 1727
Westoutre British Cemetery 40 E 7 1728
Westoutre Churchyard Extension 40 E. 7 1729
Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery 40 E 6 1692
Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery 40 E 7 1693
Waterloo Farm Cemetery, Passchendaele 41 G6 1718
Welsh Cemetery, Caesar's Nose, Boesinghe  41 F 6 1722
White House, Menin Road Ypres 41 F 7 1734
White House, St. Jean 41 F6 1735
Wieltje Farm Cemetery, St. Jean 41 F 6 1736
Wieltje Road Cemetery, Langemarck 41 F 6 1737
Wilde Wood Cemetery, Zonnebeke 41 F 6 1738
Wiltshire Farm, Ridgewood, near Dickebusch 41 F 7 1741
Woods Military Cemetery, Zillebeke 41 F 7 1747
Wytschaete Cemetery 41 F 7 1750
Yorkshire Cemetery (Zouave Villa), St. Jean 41 F 6 1757
Ypres Reservoir Middle Cemetery 41 F 6 1759
Ypres Reservoir North Cemetery 41 F 7 1760
Ypres Reservoir South Cemetery 41 F 7 1761
Zouave Villa Strong Post, Boesinghe 41 F 6 1768
Vijverhoek Brasserie Cemetery 41 F 7 1788
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 1 41 F 7 1694
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 2 41 F 7 1695
Voormezele Enclosure No. 3 41 F 7 1696
Voormezeele Enclosure No. 4 41 F 7 1697
Westhof Farm, Neuve Eglise 42 E 8 1726
Wellington Cemetery, Ploegsteert 43 F 8 1720
White City, Bois Grenier 43 F 9 1732
Wulverghem Churchyard 43 F 8 1748
Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road, Military Cemetery 43 F 8 1749
X Farm, Chapelle d'Armentières 43 F 9 1751
Y Farm Military Cemetery, Touquet-des-Mages-Femmes, near Bois Grenier 43 F 10 1752
West Cemetery, Richebourg St. Vaast 44 E 10 1725
Woburn Abbey, Cuinchy 44 E 11 1744
Zelobes Indian Cemetery, Lacouture 44 D 10 1766
Verquin Communal Cemetery 44 D 11 1662
Vieille Chapelle Churchyard 44 D 10 1665
Vieille Chapelle New Military Cemetery 44 D 10 1666
Vieille Chapelle Old Military Cemetery 44 B 10 1667
Wavrin Communal Cemetery 45 G10 1719
Winchester Road Cemetery, Laventie 45 E 10 1742
Zouave Valley British Cemetery, Souchez 46 E 13 1767
Vermelles British Cemetery 46 E 12 1659
Vermelles Communal Cemetery 46 E 12 1660
Villers-au-Bois French Military Cemetery 46 D 13 1671
Villers Station Military Cemetery 46 D 13 1684
Vimy Canadian Cemetery No. 1 47 E 13 1687
Vimy Canadian Cemetery No. 2 47 E 13 1688
Vimy Communal Cemetery, Farbus 47 B 13 1689
Wailly Orchard Cemetery 48 E 15 1703
Wailly Military Cemetery 48 E 15 1702
Wancourt British Cemetery 49 F 15 1704
Wancourt Road British Cemetery, Neuville Vitasse 49 F 15 1705
Windmill British Cemetery Monchy-le-Preux 49 F 15 1743
Vis-en-Artois British Cemetery, Haucourt 49 G 15 1691
Willow British Cemetery, Boiry St. Rictrude 50 E 16 1740
Y Ravine British Cemetery No. 1 (V Corps Cemetery No. 17), Beaumont-Hamel  50 B 17 1753
YRavine German Cemetery No. 2, Beaumont-Hamel 50 D17 1755
Warry Copse Cemetery, Courcelles-le-Comte 51 E 16 1715
Welsh Cemetery, Longueval 51 E 18 1723
Vraucourt Copse British Cemetery, Vaulx-Vraucourt 51 F 16 1699
West Yorkshires' Cemetery, Equancourt 52 G18 1739
Ytres Churchyard Cemetery 52 G 17 1764
Ytres German Cemetery 52 U 17 1765
Villers-Guislain Communal Cemetery 53 H 18 1679
Villers -Guislain German Cemetery 53 H 18 1680
Villers-Plouich Communal Cemetery 53 H 17 1682
Villa Wood Cemetery, Contalmaison 54 E 18 1670
Ville-sur-Ancre Communal Cemetery 54 D 19 1685
Vernon Street Cemetery (Squeak Forward Position) Carnoy 55 E 18 1661
Vraignes Communal Cemetery 56 H 20 1698
Vendelles Communal Cemetery Extension 57 H 20 1655
Vermand Communal Cemetery 57 H 20 1658
Villers Faucon Communal Cemetery 57 H 19 1677
Villers Faucon Communal Cemetery Extension 57 11 19 1678
Villers Hill Cemetery, Villers-Guislain 57 J 18 1681
Vendegies Cross Roads, British Cemetery, Bermerain 58 M 15 1654
Vendegies Cross-Roads German Cemetery 58 M 15 1869
Villers Pol Communal Cemetery Extension 58 N 14 1683
Vendegies Communal Cemetery 59 M 16 1653
Vertain Communal Cemetery Extension 59 M 15 1663
Vertigneul Churchyard, Romeries 59 M 16 1664
Viesly Communal Cemetery, German Extension 59 L 16 1668
Waggon Road (V. Corps Cemetery No. 10) Beaumont-Hamel 59 D 17 1701
Vendresse Communal Cemetery 60 - 2246
Verneuil Cemetery 60 - 2247
Verneuil Chateau Military Cemetery.. 60 - 2248
Viell Arcy British Cemetery 60 - 2250


Edited by laughton
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Hi Laughton,



I've just seen your OP for the first time.

I'll have a look this evening to see if I can help.

I don't have Paperport but have another OCR program, ABBYY FineReader that does the same job I would imagine, converting to Word or Excel. In my experience, converting an image to grey scale then increasing the contrast gives a far higher success rate.


This is an example of the type of stuff I've done:

Firstly the photo of the page (a scanned image is far better):



Then the converted Excel spreadsheet:



The complete opus can be downloaded from:


Edited by Dai Bach y Sowldiwr
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Thanks! To clarify, you do not need Paperport for this exercise, as I have already converted all the pages to text, so all that is left to do is to open them in Excel and tidy them up. Nuance Paperport is a unique program in that it combines a bunch of programs (utilities) into one package. A lot of printer companies on this side of the pond include it with the software package with the printer. 


I am working backwards from the last page, so now working on page 142. If people want to participate, the best thing would be to say "I will do pages X to Y" and then we won't have duplication. Others can participate by being proof readers of the pages that have been done.

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Hi laughton,


Slight problem.

Image 111.jpg covers Abancourt to Albert Road, but 111.txt is V Ravine to Zuydcote.


I'll have a look at 112.txt. OK that tallieswith 112.jpg

I'll do that one now.

Edited by Dai Bach y Sowldiwr
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Image 111 fixed - I fired the guy that made that page :D

There may be others, I did not check them all.


Once a page is done, use this folder to "drag and drop" your page. I will then take that and add it to the master. Let me know if any problems.


On 10/12/2019 at 11:13, laughton said:

There is a second version of that folder which is a "File Drop" where you can UPLOAD the pages that you have completed:


Maybe some were scared away thinking there were 145 pages - when in fact it is only pages 111-145, so not that many.


Someone asked if I could add the trench map coordinates in a column for each cemetery - sure, can do, depends on how long the lockdown lasts!



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I have added them to the MASTER: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w3dkjfek0cjzlaw/Master_Excel_Spreadsheet_-_Working_Copy.xlsx/file


Note that I inserted a new WORKSHEET called ORIGINAL and then kept the "Original Index" page on the sheets. We will need that for proofreading.


If anyone has their browser set to use programs such as GOOGLE DOCS to view online files, then they may see an image of the ORIGINAL when they click on the above link. In that case they need to then click on the file folder button in the upper right "OPEN ORIGINAL" (beside the PRINT button), which should then ask them where they want to save the file.


Anyone can also go into the other files that are listed in the main MediaFire folder here:



The spreadsheets are in this folder:



Note: on the sheets I have done I am seeing a lot of "B-E" and "G-U" letters mixed up. I can understand the B & E but G & U? Almost every time those letters appear the transcription was incorrect.


  • Steenkirk Belgian Military Cemetery    3    U 2    1543
  • Tees Trench British Cemetery No. 1, St Laurent-Blangy 48 B 14 1576

So I will need to go back and check all the places where I see a B, P or a U, fortunately not as common as others.

  • I have done that now (0800 hrs 27 March 2020) for the MASTER table but not the individual sheets
  • I cannot guarantee that all such errors have been identified, so if anyone sees any others - please let me know!
  • Once the process is complete, I should remove all the individual sheets that were not corrected, leaving only the MASTER


The progress table has now been moved further down the posting list to page 2.


Edited by laughton
added note in red; moved posting table to page 2
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OK. Just uploaded 115, 116 , 117 , 118, 119 & 120.xls


Edited by Dai Bach y Sowldiwr
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