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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

East Surreys


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A couple of question for those with an interest in the East Surrey and other Surrey regiments.

1. Has anyone ever used the archive that was at the "Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment Museum, Clandon Park, Guildford" for WW1 research?

2. The Surrey History centre website talks of "recently deposited archives of the Queen's Regimental Museum". Does anybody know if the archive has been deposited en mass?

And for any one interested (with apologies for possibly repeating this news) the Surrey History centre is staging an exhibition "Home fires and foreign fields - Surrey and the Great War 1914-1918".

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I made use of the Archives at Clandon in August 2003 when I requested a photocopy of some pages from their regimental history relating to my uncle who was KIA on the Somme. I found the people at the museum most helpful. I was able to send them copies of letters and documents relating to my uncle when he served in 8th and 9th East Surreys.

Where has the archive moved to? Could this be a result of the burglary in October?


Ray Hooper

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The Surrey History Centre is in Working. The text that appears on thier website does not make it clear whether the whole "Museum Archive" has been moved or just a selection of documents. As to a breakin, is nothing sacred these days?

Two of my Grandfather's cousins served in the East Surreys, brothers Samuel George Burge (KIA) and Reuben J Burge, hence my interest in finding out a little about the Regiment's History in the Great War.



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Guest Ian Bowbrick

A number of records relatingto enlistment data were moved to Woking in 1980 and according to the label on the cover have yet to be researched, but it is hoped this can be done in the near future!!

Problem with Woking is that hard documents cannot be photocopied :(


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  • 3 weeks later...

A belated update on my original post. After contacting the SHC, it does seem the whole Clandon Museum archive has been deposited at the Surrey history Centre. It has been catalogued but it is not yet on the on-line index.


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