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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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I'm trying to find the last few unidentified people named in a collection of 1WW letters. This one may strike a chord in previous discussions of actors etc in 1WW.

"there was a performance by an officer known professionally as Mauritus (the World-famous Handcuff king & Jail Breaker) who performed card tricks & marvels with ropes & things of that sort;"

The writer had been invalided home after wounds, he was a 2/Lt in MGC. The letter was sent from Harrowby Camp, Grantham on 21.9.1918, but refers to a 'concert' at E53 Officers Mess on Wed 18th Sept.

Any help or suggestions gratefully received. By the way, I did look at a sprinkling of the about 1400 Google entries for Mauritus, but with no immediate luck.


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Have you tried contacting the Magic Circle? They have been very helpful in the past when I asked them about an obscure turn of the century Mongolian magician (don't ask). They may be able to help you.


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