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1st Bttn Royal Warwickshire Regt


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I'm looking into the history of a soldier from the 1st Bttn Royal Warwickshire Regiment who died on 30th June 1918 and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial. It's early days but I'm having trouble finding out where they were around then. I'm going to try and get hold of a copy of John Ashby's history of the battalion but in the meantime can anyone point me in the right direction?



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The movements for the 1st RWR are very scant in the book "The Story of the Royal Warwickshire Regt." It makes the comment that the 1st Bn stayed in the vicinity of Hinges, after the battle of the Lys, and remained there until the start of the final push in August, 1918. It is probably best to sort out the War Diary pages from either the museum or the PRO.

According to the book 'Seek Glory, Now Keep Glory', billets for the Battalion was at Busnettes (possible front line was in the vicinity of Canal d'Aire and Pacault Wood. The book relates incidents for the 3 June & 12 June (trench raid) but the next mentioned concerns 17 July, So what happened on 30 June would probably be found in the War Diary.



p.s I see two 1st RWR's were killed on 30 June, 1918 and both are commemorated on the Loos Memorial. Pte J Scott and Sgt W F Scattergood.

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The Regimental Museum did have copies of the 1st Battalion War Diaries (on which the later parts of the Ashby book are largely based) when I was researching my great-uncle's service in the 1980's.

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Thanks very much for that, Terry and Mark. It is Sgt Scattergood that I am interested in. I think the next stop will be the War Diary



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