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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Another Photo for Comment

Guest DavidTennant

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Guest DavidTennant

I am now more curious as to this photo of my father than I was previously. I was told this was in "Hospital Uniform" and I assumed, as it was said that he was wounded a number of times, that this was the case. However previously the experts on this list have identified the chevrons on his right cuff, which I thought were wound stripes, on his wedding photo, Nov 1918, as service chevrons and not wound insignia. There is no trace of wound stripes on the Nov 1918 photo. Perhaps they had not been sewn on?

Any ideas greatly appreciated.


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Perhaps he was in hospital for a non-wound condition? Flu, pneumonia etc. I don`t suppose trench fever or trench foot, say, would have earned a wound stripe either.

Phil B

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Guest DavidTennant

Thanks for the 2 comments. However I was particularly interested in the style of the uniform which appears somewhat light weight and casual compared to the more norma heavy serge. It looks almost tropical and I know he served in Gibralter but this was pre war and before becoming a Sgt.


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Hi Dave

I do not know a lot about uniforms but it looks like the normal hospital uniform, which I think was blue in colour, someone will correct me if I am wrong.


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The uniform is standard Hospital Dress. Nothing to do with tropics. If no evidence of wounding than I agree with Phil. Could he have been admitted for condition not eligable for a wound stripe?

Joe Sweeney

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Any other "borderline" conditions which qualified for a wound stripe, LB? Trench fever? Trench foot? Accidental injury from eg barbed wire? Was "In the presence of the enemy" necessary? Thrown from a horse? (Thinking of KGV) Phil B

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DavidTennant

Thanks for the confirmations that it was hospital uniform. I am interested as to how long one would have to be in hospital before the issue of a unifirm complete with rank insignia. He looks awfully well, I assume this was taken when he was getting over what ever he was in for.


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