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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte. Thomas William, Twiss.

Annette Burgoyne

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While going through the K.S.L.I.'s 14-15 Star Medal Roll, this entry for Pte. 18087 Thomas William, Twiss court my eye. In the remarks section it records found dead (I have never come across such an entry before), I could not make out the date so I looked at SD, which gave his details as killed in action on 2/4/18. I then checked C.W.G.C. CD that I have but this just records 2/4/17 and that his name is on the Arras Memorial ? by the way nither date seem to match whats on the roll?.

If anyone can shed any light on this I would be greatfull



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Hello Annette.

Was he found dead,aged 28?

It seems to say,found dead 28 and then a date,which looks like 18-2-18,or 18-4-18.

Can see why it is so confusing,the Arras Memorial covering the amount of time that it does.

For years i thought my Great-great-grandmother,was called Carliare.

That was until a friend of mine saw my Great-grandads service record,at the PRO.

Carliare,was actually Caroline,and the name i had been trying to find for so long,was a typing mistake!

The new site is great,and has been updated,quite a lot.

I had the shock of my life,when i saw my other Great-grandad's,Labour Corps Company number,suddenly appear.

I had learned this,on the Forum.

A year,or so,later,it is quoted on the re-vamped website?

I didn't inform them.

Is it possible,that maybe he was in the Frontline and suffered a heart attack,or another medical thing,that killed him,and they were attacked the next morning?

You've got a goodun there,Annette,as we say around my way.

It's got me thinking,big time.

All the best.


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The only explanation I can think of for found dead is that Twiss died from a previously undetected condition, was a victim of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome or was a possible suicide. Old soldiers die suddenly sometimes weeks, months, days or years after suffering an injury so maybe Twiss fell victim to a gas attack or similar earlier in the war. Whichever, it was a rotten way to go or someone who nearly made it all the way.

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Thanks Simon

I did think that the 28 was his age but again if this is so, then its the first time that I've seen a chaps age in the medal roll (not that I've seen a lot of rolls).

The date does look like 18-2-18 ? but it does not match ether SD or CWGC.

Pte. Twiss was in the 7th Batt. which was in the Arras area in April 1917 and had started to move to billets in Raimbert on 1/4/18, is this place covered by Arras Memorial ? and during Feb. 1918 the Battalion were in Croisilles area, which I think is covered by the Arras Memorial and on 18-4-18 the Battalion was up North at the La Bassee Canal so he should not be on Arras Memorial if this is the date ?


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Sorry mcderms you must have posted as I was typing (very slowly) reply to Simon.

They could not have been too sure how he died, others in the same roll have things like died of gas poisioning or died of so and so corse. The date on the roll does look like 18-2 18, so which is the most likely to right - SD, CWGC or Medal roll ? I wish I had a cristal ball.



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The medal roll seems to give the date he was found rather than the date he died. If this is so the CWGC date looks more likely to be correct.

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Terry do you mean that he died or was killed on 2/4/17 and found many months later, not very pleasant if this is the case. I'll have to see if I can find a report in papers that records him as missing.



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It just occurred to me that this might be an explanation of the words "found dead" used instead of simply '"died" or "killed". It does suggest that he died on some other date - very possibly months before.

It is all speculation until more facts are known.

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While looking at another roll entry I spotted the date was recorded with the day recorded above the month instead of the normal way ie - 30-12-15. I had noticed this with Pte Twiss entry - it looks like this is done twice. There is 28 a gap then 18 with the number 3 above it, then there is a dash followed by 2 the another gap followed by 18 with whot looks like a 4 above it. But it still does not make much sence to me.

Terry - whot section of the CWGC should I email to find out whot the orginal register records.



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I have checked the register and it states 02.04.17.

However, if you email them on casualtyenq@cwgc.gov.uk and ask if they could check the master register, that should confirm if there has been a transcription error.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to up-date anyone who is interested.

After e-mailing the CWGC concerning Pte. Twiss, they have replied today to inform me that there was a scannering mistake, and the correct date is 2-4-18.

But I think this is the date he was found dead, the medal roll as two dates - the 28-3-18 and then 2-4-18. I am sure he was killed on the 28th March, when the 7/K.S.L.I. were heavy attacked, and after fierce hand to hand fighting the survivors fell back to reserve line. The Battalion were in billets at Raimbert on 2-4-18 and the Regt. History makes no mention of being attacked or shelled on this day.


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