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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Transfers of men between Battalions

Northern Soul

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Were there any general rules about transferring batches of men between Battalions of the same regiment (presumably to make up battle losses)?


Were whole or part Companys transferred or was selection just random?

Were such transfers ever officially recorded (other than in the War Diaries)?

Why did Territorials retain their TF numbers and how did the move, to say a Service Battalion, affect their TF terms of enlistment (if at all)?

Were there/why were there TF men "seconded" to sister TF Battalions but still listed as belonging to their original TF Battalion following their death?

Any advice gratefully received...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andy

Like the name by the way, good memories in those tunes!!

The most consistent reason seems to be convenience and where theyre needed most at the time! eg My Gt Gramps was wounded in Gallipoli in the 5th Bedfords, recovered in St Albans and sent to the 7th Beds in France where he was KIA March 1918. Can see the logic there I guess, closer so quicker to get him back in a fighting unit, more useful to the 7th than the 5th (who were 'defensive' in Egypt by then), etc. Plus, the 7th were mauled that much in Mar and Apr 1918 that they were folded into the 2nd Beds in May 1918, which also makes sense as there prob werent many left.

As for the rest, it seems that they gave themselves as much fluidity as they could in moving units etc around. Cant blame them!!

Was reading about the terms of enlistment today in new section on Long Trail today, think was on the tp right of the home page? May help?

If you find out about the keeping their numbers query, wouldnt mind knowing myself, as the same applies to my man as it happens. And in his case, he kept his number 4400 even after he transferred into the 7th, but is listed KIA as 200570!


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Why did Territorials retain their TF numbers and how did the move, to say a Service Battalion, affect their TF terms of enlistment (if at all)?

Andy, a very interesting and detailed section on this appears in the TF Study Group area on the Long, Long Trail. A link to it appears on the homepage, including one currently in the 'latest additions' list.

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Guest stevenbec


We are talking about the Army. What has Logic got to do with it.

The Army works by a needs base. Soldiers are sent where the need is and hopefully they stay in the same Area Regt but not always possible.


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THe Post Office Rifles were disbanded in early 1918 and some were transferred to the 17th Londons (Poplar and Stepneys). Others went elsewhere - to another TA London battalion but I don't remember which.


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If you find out about the keeping their numbers query, wouldnt mind knowing myself, as the same applies to my man as it happens. And in his case, he kept his number 4400 even after he transferred into the 7th, but is listed KIA as 200570!

This Number change is due to the Territorials Being totally renumbered in 1916,from 4 Fugure Numbers to the 6 figure numbers there are various threads on numbering on this Forum.

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