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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

2nd KOYLI.

Bob Coulson

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Would anyone have any info for the actions 2nd KOYLI were involved in on April 18th 1915, specifically interested in any mention of the officers who were KIA.

Grateful as always for any help.


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Hi Bob.

Reading through what books that I have to hand they show that prior to the day you are interested in the 2nd KOYLI moved to Ypres, followed on the 18th by a move to Larch Wood, they took part in the attack on Hill 60, where "B" & "C" led the assault at 18.00 hours, immediately the men left the trenches they were subjected to artillery, machine gun and rifle fire.

Despite the enemy fire that the Battalion were faced with the assault pressed forward, the Battalion War Diary reads "These companies however reached the base of the hill and dashing up the slopes - crossed the German parapet and the crest was retaken"

"Positions held under heavy bombardment and counter attacks" - "Furious combats took place in the craters-which were filled with killed and wounded".

Rifles became jammed from the heat of firing-grenades and ammunition could not be brought forward.

The diary makes note of the fact that had it not been for the weapons and ammonition left by the fleeing Germans which were put to good use by the men the hill would have been dificult to hold.

The 2nd KOYLI were relieved at dawn on the morning of the 19th, April.

Casualties are shown as being 239 killed, wounded and missing.

Officer deaths are shown as:-

Captain G.E. Alt.

Captain F.W. Yates.

Captain F.J. Wyley.

Lieutenant G.J. Child.

Lieutenant R.A.W. Williams.

Lieutenant H.B. Hodges

Liutenant F.J.M. Chubb.

I hope that the above is of use.


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david can you tell me where you got the war diary for the koyli and could you do me a favour and look to see if there is anything for the 2nd battalion c company on the 25 november 1917 as i have a medal for a j barker kia burried at passchendale thanks for any help

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David 12656.

What a lot of David`s there are, the 2nd KOYLI War Diary info came from one of Ray Westlake`s excellent series of books which cover various periods of WW1.

Ray`s books are, "British Battalions in France & Belgium 1914".

"British Battalions on the Western Front January to June 1915".

"British Battalions on the Somme"

"British Regiments at Gallipoli".

It is very frustrating to sit here surrounded by over 800 books on military history and the like and not think of any that I could check to see if I could help you, needless to say I am very sorry, perhaps some other forum member who is a specialist on the regiment may be able to provide the answers, lets hope so.


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Many thanks for the look up and detailed account for the 2nd KOYLI that day.

The man I am researching Captain Edward Wilberforce Leather is not on the list of officers killed but I suspect this is because he was attached to the KOYLI from the Yorkshire Regiment at the time.

Once again many thanks, grateful for your help.


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