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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Iolaire Tradegy When I heard the Bell


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Just ordered this book , has anyone read it and any comments please . Thanks Ian

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Iolaire Disaster 1919Shipwreck off Outer Hebrides

This simple blogsite lists the two hundred men of the district who lost their lives within sight of Stornoway Harbour, when their transport, H.M.Y. Iolaire foundered on the Beasts of Holm on 1 January 1919. [CEF Study Group – Nov 2008][Recommended by Guido Blokland]


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Yes, read it earlier this year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought a good piece of writing on an event I knew nothing about.... an absolute tragedy

I was so impressed with it that I recommended it to the wife.... not often that a book from the inner sanctum of the Great War library finds itself into the hands of 'the management'. A recommendation indeed

Having said all of that I know all too well that enjoying a book is a very personal thing, and that some books I have purchased on the basis of a good review I have considered at best poor, and others handed straight over to the local charity shop..... but I hope you enjoy it


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