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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


susan kitchen

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Hi there.

Yesterday i bought a book called FOR KING AND COUNTRY, VOICES FROM THE FIRST WORLD WAR.Edited by Brian Macarthur. It's not a new book as some of you will know and i don't know how i missed it when it first came out. For the few of you who have never read it it contains Letters, dairies poems and songs.Contributors are Vera Brittain, her fiance Roland Leighton. Raymond Asquith, Harold Macmillan,. An assessment of Douglas Haig by Winston Churchill and many more. I'm going to read It anyway but it would be great to get other's opinions of the book.


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Thoroughly enjoyed it and well worth buying IMHO. Look out for the typo in the words to "Keep the Home Fires Burning", unless they have corrected it by now. Enjoy the read.

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Hello Susan, would be interested to know what Vera Brittain and Roland Leighton material were used. Was is letters, poems, an extract from one of Vera Brittain's books such as 'Testament of Youth' or 'Chronicle of Youth'? Any other material-besides Vera's- from a woman?


Michael Bully

Hi there.

Yesterday i bought a book called FOR KING AND COUNTRY, VOICES FROM THE FIRST WORLD WAR.Edited by Brian Macarthur. It's not a new book as some of you will know and i don't know how i missed it when it first came out. For the few of you who have never read it it contains Letters, dairies poems and songs.Contributors are Vera Brittain, her fiance Roland Leighton. Raymond Asquith, Harold Macmillan,. An assessment of Douglas Haig by Winston Churchill and many more. I'm going to read It anyway but it would be great to get other's opinions of the book.


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The book contains mostly male contibutors. With regards to Vera Brittain think there is a letter from her to Roland and one from Roland to her. Also a bit from Testament of Youth. Other female contributors are Sylvia Pankhurst, Caroline Playne ( the pacifist ). Lyn MacDonald. Evadne Price, Ambulance driver. Helen Thomas, wife of the poet Edward Thomas. Charlotte Mew the poet. Mrs Humphrey Ward who was related to Aldous Huxley. Mrs M Hall talking about Munitions etc. And a Mrs MacNichol talking about her husband in Gallipoli. There are not loads of pages written by these people. Sometimes just a poem sometimes a page or two. Hope this helps.


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Thanks for your response Susan.Appreciated. I am glad to hear that Vera's work is featured but that other female contributors are highlighted. Much as I admire Vera Brittain's work, I am concerned that her views can get cited too frequently, and the views of other women who lived through the Great War or have researched the subject might get overlooked. I have never heard of Caroline Playne before, so will have to search more about her.

Michael Bully

The book contains mostly male contibutors. With regards to Vera Brittain think there is a letter from her to Roland and one from Roland to her. Also a bit from Testament of Youth. Other female contributors are Sylvia Pankhurst, Caroline Playne ( the pacifist ). Lyn MacDonald. Evadne Price, Ambulance driver. Helen Thomas, wife of the poet Edward Thomas. Charlotte Mew the poet. Mrs Humphrey Ward who was related to Aldous Huxley. Mrs M Hall talking about Munitions etc. And a Mrs MacNichol talking about her husband in Gallipoli. There are not loads of pages written by these people. Sometimes just a poem sometimes a page or two. Hope this helps.


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