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8th Durhams 6th North Fus


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I was wondering, if by any chance, anyone has the Battalion War Diaries for the 8th Durham Light Infantry and the 6th Northumberland Fusiliers during the period of the Aisne battle May-June.

I am interested in casualty returns for these two units from 27th May to 31st May 1918.



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I have not got the 6th Battalion N. F. war diary but am copying from it at the library.

I have compiled all the deaths and am now working through the wounded sick etc. but unfortunately I am only up to Dec. 1916 for wounded and sick.

Anyway the numbers of 6th Battalion deaths recorded 27th - 30th May 1918. Almost all dated 27th May 1918.

43 Soissons Memorial Aisne

1 La Ville en Bois Cem. Aisne

1 Marfaux Br. Cem. Marne

There are a number of soldiers who died of wounds shortly after these dates but until I see the War Diary I cannot tell whether they were wounded at the Aisne.

Do you need names & number?

I'll see what I can find about the wounded next time I'm in the Library.


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Thanks for your reply,

I am after the total casualties for officers and men for the period 27th May to 31st May.

I have the casualties for all the battalions of the 50th Division during this period apart from the 8th DLI and 6 NF. In fact I have all the casualties sustained by the battalions of the 8th, 21st and 25th Divisions- just missing the returns on these two battalions.

I don't require any names just the the figure from the war diaries- these may also be included in the brigade war diaries of the 149th and 151st brigades.

Thanks Again,


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Will see what I can do as soon as I get to the record office.

I have just noticed that your grandfather was taken prisoner at the Aisne.

Some of the men, about 4, in my 6th Batt. database, who died just after 31st May 1918 are buried in Niederzwehren German Cemetery and Cologne Southern Cem. I wonder if they were taken prisoner at the same time as your Grandfather.


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Here is the information from the 6th Battalion N.F. War Diary. Unfortunately by this time the Diary does not list the other ranks by name (although all casualties are named up to Dec. 1917) so I can't cross check with the C.W.G.C.

Strength of Battalion on 1st May 1918 Offs. 34 O.R. 947

Strength of Battalion on 31st May 1918 Offs. 12 O.R. 323


Officers K.in A. 2

Wounded 8

Missing 12

Wounded & Missing 5

Other Ranks K. in A. 8

Wounded 71

Missing 541

Wounded & Missing 12

The numbers are presented exactly like that in the War Diary and we don't know how many of the missing eventually reappeared. Obviously the 45 who are on the Soissons Memorial definitely died. All except 1 officer is dated 27:05:1918. The other ranks have no date but are written underneath the officers. Would you like me to try to check with Soissons memorial names?


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Thanks very much for all your help with regard to the 6NF on the Aisne.



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8th Bn DLI

War Diary 'Roll of Officers 16-30 May 18' plus 'List of British Officers Taken Prisoner' plus O/SDGW:

3 officers kia 27th May

3 officers wounded

16 officers POW (at least 7 wounded, 1 later died in captivity) all dated 27th May

33 ORs kia, 4 dow between 27-30 May

I don't have OR wounded or POW figures.


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Can I butt in here and look for possible guidance concerning my father

William Robson DIXON

Territorials 9th DLI

In the 1918 Absent Voters List he is shown as L/Corp 325188 13th Batt.

But, recently, I found him(twice) in a block of six MIC`s and the second showed him as having been discharged on 2nd August 1918 (5th Res Batt) same number.

He was wounded at St.Quentin(he told me) and I suspect that led to his discharge.

He did tell me that he was with one of his 2 brothers when they died-----(either 1) Sanctuary Wood 31st Dec. 1915 --- or 2) Butte de Warlencourt 5th November 1916. So at least on one or probably both occasions he was still with the 9th.

His papers have "gone" but armed with the above can anyone hzard a guess at or advise the probable Batt. he was with at St.Quentin.

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Just a few thoughts:

The medal rolls would most likely show if he served in other battalions. The number given in the absent voters list is from the 9th Bn block allocated in March 1917. Are there any others shown on the MIC?

The 13th Bn was sent to Italy as part of the 23rd Division in early November 1917, returning to France on 14th September 1918.

The 9th Bn was in 50th Division until 12 Feb 1918 when it joined 62 Div as the Pioneer Bn


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Thank you Tony for those comments---I certainly was not aware that the Absent Voters list was compiled in 1917!!

I have been trying to upload the 6 MIC`s to suggest that you might spot something I had missed but I am struggling with my new (Canon) scanner.

I was trying to enhance the original copies,but have been "overcome"with the technology!!

Am just going out and may be some time

Actually I am just off to the golf course for the afternoon.

Joe Dixon

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'm not saying the Absent Voters list was compiled in 1917, rather that the number was a TF one and not a service bn one


PS Enjoy the golf!

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