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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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Hello All.

I have read the rules regarding posting information on a new book. I believe my post does not contravene any of these.

After nearly two years of work I have finally completed the first volume of a series of books regarding New Zealand casualties of the Great War.

Entitled "WE WILL REMEMBER THEM", this volume deals with Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany and lists every casualty by cemetery/memorial. The information for each casualty can differ but in most cases the text is formatted as follows:

Surname, rank, First Name(s), Service Number, Unit, Cause of death, Age at death, Family information and either location of Headstone within cemetery or location of name on memorial.[

It also contains an alphabetical index by surname. It is in A4 format and contains 273 pages (including Index).

To assist those who may visit, the GPS details of every cemetery/memorial is also included. As is a file, that can be loaded into Google Earth which pinpoints all the locations. This has also been turned into a POI (Point of interest) file for those people who have a Garmin or TomTom GPS device. I can not stress how much time and stress this has saved me in my various trips. Plotting the locations and checking for correctness took nearly six months alone.

Also included is a FREE CD with over 3000 photos. These are non-professional photos which is why I include it for free. Every single headstone & name on memorial has been photographed as well as other points of interest and shots of the surrounding area.

This book would not have been possible without the assistance of the CWGC who have been fully supportive. As such, every book sold will result in a donation, so they can continue their excellent work.

This is not a money making venture, and I do not expect to recoup anywhere near the money I have outlayed in travel, acommodation and time. It is my way of honouring the fallen whilst hopefully making it possible for those who can not travel to do the same. I find I use it whilst researching and have discovered a number of previously unknown connections as a result.

The finishing touches on CD are taking place as I type this, so I expect the Book & CD to be available within 3 weeks at the most.

If you are interested in obtaining a copy, please let me know. I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have, either via this post or via PM.

It will be available in New Zealand at $65nz within a few months but Forum members can purchase a copy directly from me at $60nz (approx 36 euro or 30 pounds).

The second Volume (France) is nearing completion, and I expect it to be available before the end of the year. Due to the number of casualties in France, it will be split into two books, again with a free CD.



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This looks like a labour of love. Well done.

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It certainly is. It's taken up a huge amount of my life over the last few years. A worthwhile project though.



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Hi Grant

Congratulations on completion of the first book. It is wonderful to see the Dolores Cross (New Zealand flax) in front of the headstones on the cover of your book - a poignant reminder of the tribute of a piece of their homeland on the graves of the New Zealand soldiers. Many of us here have placed these tributes.


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Thanks Judy,

Even if I sell only one copy, it will be well worth it.

I am always pleased to see the NZ Flax crosses when I visit. It's great to know that many people have stood where I have stood to pay their respects. There have been some very moving tributes indeed. On a recent trip to France for Volume 2 I came accross a headstone with two large NZ river stones, they were signed by the family of the soldier and had the comment "a piece of Otago". Another in the same cemetery had a Pounamu (Greenstone for non Maori speakers) necklass tied around the headstone.

All very touching.



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I just sent you a PM on the BMF. I would buy one in a flash.

and for the following volumes as well.

Cheers Andy.

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Thanks Judy,

Even if I sell only one copy, it will be well worth it.

I am always pleased to see the NZ Flax crosses when I visit. It's great to know that many people have stood where I have stood to pay their respects. There have been some very moving tributes indeed. On a recent trip to France for Volume 2 I came accross a headstone with two large NZ river stones, they were signed by the family of the soldier and had the comment "a piece of Otago". Another in the same cemetery had a Pounamu (Greenstone for non Maori speakers) necklass tied around the headstone.

All very touching.



I wonder if you have seen the tributes on the headstones of the Niue Islanders at Hornchurch in UK? Beads were brought over by the Premier of the Niue Islands in 2002 when Niue Islands competed (for the first time) at the Manchester Commonwealth Games. He placed beads on the headstones during a ceremony there. After about a week the beads were taken into the church as they were deemed too valuable a tribute to leave outside. The gardener took us into the office to see the originals. Many other visitors have since visited and left beads and there were many strings of them there when we visited. We found their entries on the Auckland cenotaph database very interesting.

As you say, it is all very touching.


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...Pounamu (Greenstone for non Maori speakers)
New Zealand jade for non Maori, non NZers ;).

Excellent job with the book.


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I wonder if you have seen the tributes on the headstones of the Niue Islanders at Hornchurch in UK?

Hi Judy,

I haven't, but I will be visiting within the next year.

Thanks for the information.


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New Zealand jade for non Maori, non NZers ;).

Excellent job with the book.


Thanks Robert.

It's a commemorative book, so I hope it finds its way to numerous book shelves and coffee tables. The more sold, the more I can give back to the CWGC.


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_/ \_.....waves!

Congrats Grant

I've been wondering how the book was comming along, glad to see it's going to hit the bookshelves in New Zealand soon. Remember to put me down for Volume 1, and no doubt I'll be wanting Volume 2 also. My great uncle was missed out of the origional 1917 pictorial honnor roll book, so will be great for him to have a mention in this one.

Dont forget to get intouch with the 'National Army Museum' in Waiouru, they are always very keen to add new publications to the 'Kippenberger Military Archive and Research Libuary'


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_/ \_.....waves!

Congrats Grant

I've been wondering how the book was comming along, glad to see it's going to hit the bookshelves in New Zealand soon. Remember to put me down for Volume 1, and no doubt I'll be wanting Volume 2 also. My great uncle was missed out of the origional 1917 pictorial honnor roll book, so will be great for him to have a mention in this one.

Dont forget to get intouch with the 'National Army Museum' in Waiouru, they are always very keen to add new publications to the 'Kippenberger Military Archive and Research Libuary'


Hi Wendy,


I've gone the self publish route as it allows me to control the number of prints e.t.c. So initially it will only be available directly from myself at the reduced price or from Trademe within a 2-3 weeks. It's a niche area, so I don't expect to sell a huge number.

At present, it looks like Volume 3 (Turkey, Greece & Egypt) will be completed before Volume 2. This is purely because I want to include a CD of photographs with every Volume.

Anyway, cheers again!

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Well done!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi All,

The book is now available on Ebay, but if any member is interested, please contact me as I can do a Forum member price :-)

To date - I will be able to donate 150euro to the CWGC as a result of sales.



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Grant you're a champion, what a mammoth task.

I wish you all the best with your books.



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Cheers Mr Wig,

It's been an ordeal. But nothing like the ordeal of the men/women whose names, unfortunately, appear in the book.


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Hi Grant

Book has safely arrived in this mornings post, looks great :thumbsup: Had a quick look through to find the London Rifle, and looking forward to viewing the CD tomorrow


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Grant

I'd love to purchase a copy of your book. However, I was unable to send you a PM. Maybe your box is full? (I think that's the case with me as well - must go do a clear-out)


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Hi, Grant

I'd love to purchase a copy of your book. However, I was unable to send you a PM. Maybe your box is full? (I think that's the case with me as well - must go do a clear-out)


Hi Allie,

I'll put one aside for you. If you would like to email books@nzef-ww1.com.



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Hi Allie,

I'll put one aside for you. If you would like to email books@nzef-ww1.com.



Whoops - My inbox was indeed full. Cleaned out now.


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Well done! Brilliant!! I'd love to purchase a copy. How do I do that please?


Hi Zack,

If you email books@nzef-ww1.com you will get an automated reply with details for paypal payment. If you would rather do a bank transfer to my NZ account, I'll reply with the details.



ps. As a number have been sold via this forum, I will be making a donation to the forum also.

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Thank you so much, Grant. The book arrived safely in the post today. Very professionaly put together. I like how all the information is at your fingertips and able to be cross referenced so you can look up all the NZ men at a specific cemetery, or look up a specific person in the index and then be pointed to the correct page. The cemetery GPS details are a great addition as well.

Well done.


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Hi Allie,

Glad it arrived and you are happy with it.

I'm very pleased to say that I am only a few copies away from sending in my cheque to the CWGC.


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