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Warwickshire Yeomanry charge at Huj


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Can anyone please tell me if a nominal roll exists of the Warwickshire Yeomanry who took part in this famous charge,I trying to establish if a Pte R A Searing was there.

Many thanks.


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Guest BeesleSR

I too am interested to know how involved the Warwickshire Yeomanry were in this charge. I have the impression they were present but I suspect they did not take part in the charge. How close to the 'action' were they? What was their role on that day?

Sean Beesley

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This from the Marquess of Anglesey's account of the action at Huj:

'The Worcesters' medical officer remembered Wiggin giving the order to mount and calling out, "Now then boys, for the guns!" [real Boy's Own stuff]. The Worcesters led the way: Major MC Albright's 'A' Squadron of the Worcesters, followed by two troops of 'C' Squadron under Second-Lieutenant JW Edwards. Bringing up the rear was Captain R Valentine's 'B' Squadron of the Warwicks, followed by two troops of 'C' Squadron.'

Hope this is helpful.


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I wondered where Huj was, found this map (from http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atl...las%20home.htm), can't help otherwise.




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The Warwickshire Yeomanry Museum has one of the guns captured at Huj and has wealth of information about individulas.

They can be contacted at:

The Courthouse

Jury St


Tel 01926 492212

Terry Reeves

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I have today searched Adderley`s History of the warks Yeomanry in the Great war and there is a roll for the charge. However pte searing is not mentioned, nor can I find his name in any of the other lists in the book

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