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Looking for a copy of 1/5 Lincolns war diary

Guest mikey

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Hi all,

I'm trying to obtain a copy of the 1/5 B'n Lincolnshire Regiment war diary.

If anyone has access to the copy at the Museum of Lincolnshire Life and could photocopy it for me, or already has a photocopy (or a partial copy) that they could copy for me that would be fantastic.

I would of course reimburse all costs involved.

It would be even better if someone could post their copy to me so that I can copy it at work for free - the copy lent to me would, needless to say, be returned.

Many thanks for any help you can offer,

Mike Leaning

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Although I live in Kent I have been to the museum in Burton Road and have a lot of help from Andrea Martin who is the Keeper of Collections there, no doubt I will go there again some time but don`n know when.

I assume that there is a specific date, or period that you are interested in, what is it/they, the reason I ask is that we might strike lucky and have same in one of my books.


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I'm after the whole thing ideally, and any and every contribution would be welcome!

I'm particularly interested in the attack on the Hohenzollern Redoubt on 13 October 1915 - I have a copy of the battalion war diary for this period (Oct 1915), a copy of the Battalion history and a copy of the regimental history. ANything which you have related to this periodwoul be much appreciated.


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The speed of your reply took me a bit by surprise!

Looking through the books that I though might have helped don`t for the period of most interest to you.

The ones to hand cover February-June 1915 & July-to the start of November 1916,

whilst I expect that the regimental history that you have would only correspond to the books for the periods that I have, I would be happy to copy them for you, as my keyboard skills are very lacking (one finger), I would have to put off same untill tomorrow as I am due to take part on a frontal assault on Tesco`s this afternoon, led by my wife.


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Hi Mikey.

Firstly let me say i havent forgotten about the photo of your relative from the Scunthorpe Star, but not been back to the library yet.

In terms of the 1/5th War Diary, i was looking at it last weekend with Steve Bramley at Burton Road, and the keeper, whilst very helpful; was quite rightly very reluctant for us to take photocopies of it; as due to the delicate nature of it would probably have involved damaging it, so we had tto note take. Should have took my digital camera. I was nearly sure someone in document repository had a copy, if not use procat to obtain an online quote for copying the PRO copy. I have notes relating to July 1916 from the diary if interested. From what i remeber the section relating to Hohenzollern is only half a page, and i am sure Steve told me this was due to there being hardly any officers left to write it up. Steve can probably confirm that.


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I had exactly this problem when I visited the Museum of Lincolnshire Life.

Why don't they just photocopy it once and then let people photocopy the photocopy?

Anyway, yes, I wold be very grateful for anything you can send me.


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Free of course.


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So sorry to have taken so long to get back to you, (long storey).

Whilst I suspect that you may already know the following but thought I should post same just in case.

British Regiments by Brig E.A. James entry for 1/5thBn Lincolnshire Regiment:-

4/8/14 Infantry Drill Hall, Grimsby; Lincoln & Leicester Brigade, North Midland Division; 11/8/14 to Belper, 15/8/14 Luton, 13/3/15 landed at Havre, May 1915 became part of 138th Brigade, 46th Division.

7/1/16 sailed from Marseilles for Egypt arriving Alexandria 13/1/16; 4/2/16 embarked at Alexandria, 9/2/16 arrived at Marseilles. 31/1/18 to 177th Brigade, 59th Division untill May 1918. On 11/11/18 part of 138th Brigade, 46th Division, the 1/5th were at Sains du Nord, south-east of Avesnes.

Ray Westlakes book British Battalions on the Western Front, January to June 1915,

gives brief details for the months February to June:-

Stansteed. Part of Lincoln & Leicester Infantry Brigade, North Midland Division. This formation later became 138th Bde, 46th (North Midland) Division,

Moved by train from Bishops Stortford to Southampton 26th February, embarked on SS Empress Queen next day and sailed for France, landed at Havre 8am 28th and marched into rest camp.

Entrained for Arneke 5th March then to billets at Zermezeelw and Wemaers-Cappell 6th. To Strazeele 9th, Sailly-sur-la-Lys 11th, Trou Bayard 16th, Steenwerck 18th, Oosthoove Farm near Ploegsteert 26th, began instruction in trenches under 11th Brigade, 4th Division.

To Steenwerck 31st March, Bailleul 5th April and Dranoutre the next day.

Took over Kemmel sector 8th, remained in same area, resting at Dranoutre beetween tours in the front line.

Left Dranoutre for Ouderdom 22nd June. Relieved 1/8th Sherwood Foresters in trenches at Sanctuary Wood 29th June.

The only other book that I have (as far as I know) that gives details of the 1/5thBn

is another of Ray`s, British Battalions on the Somme, the entry for the battalion is fairly sparse when compared to some other battalions, but it says:-

1/5th Battalion (T.F.). 138th Brigade, 46th(North Midland Division); At 8.30am. (1/7) moved from positions 1,000 yards east of Souastre to reserve line at Midland Trench, advanced through Foncquevillers and Roberts Avenue to front line 9.30pm -- War Diary notes trenches full of dead bodies, badly battered by shellfire-wounded coming in from No Mans Land. Sent forward at midnight to assist Sherwood Foresters of 139th Brigade then fighting in enemy`s front line at Gommecourt Park-- direction lost in darkness, withdrawal forced under heavy fire.

Relieved and to Foncquevillers (3/7) and from there to Hannecamps sector, arrived Bealcourt from Halloy (1/11), To Coulonvillers (2/11), Agenvillers (3/11).

Sorry that I cannot be more helpful, especially as regards to the period of which you have most interest.

You will see with the above there seems to be a discrepancy regarding certain dates, in the book by Brigadier James, it states that other than for the date 4/8/14, the 1/5thBn record is the same as that of the 1/4thBn untill May 1918, as such I would treat the contents (dates etc) in Ray`s book as being accurate re 1/5thBattalions war diary entries.


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