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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Miracles do happen

Chris Talbot

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Greetings and salutations

I had a phone call this evening from my Uncle , he was cleaning out his attic this afternnon and came across a silver box that contained two medals, he thought that they had little value and was going to send them to a local sale room. His wifes brother was going to take them and some other stuff to the sale room for them, when he noticed that they were named to George Daniel Vernon Talbot (my Grandfather) and phoned my uncle to make sure that he wanted to send them for sale.

When he realised what they actualy were and knowing that I was researching my family history he phoned me and asked me if I wanted them!!!!!

Well to say the least my gast had never been so flabbered.

The medals are mine for the collecting, To think that they had been forgoten in the attic for many years and that they almost went to a sale room just goes to prove miricles do happen.

They will now join my fathers WW2 medals.

sorry if this has been abit self indulgent and rambling but I just had to share the news.

Yours Chris

PS does anyone know where I can obtain replacement ribbons as these are missing?

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Chris, I envy you deeply, you lucky so and so.

How many times has this happened where the story did not have such a positive result?!?!?


Peter in Vancouver

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Guest MaryFM

Hi Chris

I'm so pleased you have got your Grandfathers' medals it is lovely that they are kept in the family as I'm sure they will be cherished by you.

I don't collect medals but I noticed this site for ribbons www.worldmedals.co.uk hope this is of some help if not perhaps some of the other lads and lassies may be able to point you in the right direction.

Best wishes


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Chris ,

This is wonderful! I can imagine how happy you are - now it's about time to think how to display them properly

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If you pm me your snail mail address I will be happy to send you a set of replacement ribbons with my blessing. No charge.


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Absolutely astounding and heart warming.

I'm happy for you,



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Congratulations. Shows the value of letting relatives know you're interested in the family's history. I myself am in the early stages of divining the intentions of a relative who has a family Mons trio. I really don't understand why people want to sell their heritage for a fast buck, though happily in your case right prevailed once it was realised it was your relatives.


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Chris, :I am very happy for you, and admit to being a wee bit jealous! I think it is AWESOME that they "found" you. I know you will appreciate them. cheers Shelley:D

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My aunty made my Great-grandfathers 1914-15 Star into a broach so I know what it's like to lose a part of your heritage.

Delighted that your story turned out for the better Chris :P

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Conratulations Chris,

You lucky b****r

Now if you'd just give us all the numbers for next weeks lottery, we'll all be smiling just as hard as you are right now :rolleyes:

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:D Congratulations Chris,

i know how you feel,the same sought of thing happen to me.

All the best


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