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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Enlistment & Army Reserve


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A soldier I am researching had an enlistment date of 18.1.15 on SWB Roll and date of 10.1.17 for entry into theatre (1a) with 2/Yorkshire Regiment on Victory/BWM Medal Roll, a gap of nearly two years.

No 1914-15 Star was awarded so is it likely that he spent those two years on Army Reserve? Seems an awfully long time to me.

Any suggestions gratefully received.


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Hi Steve

Sorry if youve already done this, but have you tried following what his unit were up to in the time in question? Could he have been in a different theartre initially or the unit were held back praps?


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His date of entry on the medal roll will be that for which he earned his decoration, i.e. his first entry into a Theatre of War.

There may be numerous reasons why his services were not required at the front before 1917 - age, marital status or specialist skill causing him to remain at the Depot; level of fitness until such time as numbers were desparately needed and this was no longer a reason for holding him back. Just a thought.


Steve (no, really I am)

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Men could be two years in service before going overseas for a variety of reasons but are you sure the second date doesn't refer to when he was awarded his SWB on discharge. It is unusual I think to see a date of entry recorded as late as this as dates were recorded to ensure a Star was awarded - not for BW&VM as I understand it.

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Thanks Gentlemen for your thoughts

have you tried following what his unit were up to in the time in question?

Yes, they were on the Western Front, so he wasn't with this particular battalion during this time unless he was stationed at home for some reason.

There may be numerous reasons why his services were not required at the front before 1917 - age, marital status or specialist skill causing him to remain at the Depot; level of fitness until such time as numbers were desparately needed and this was no longer a reason for holding him back

Must admit I hadn't thought of him staying at the Depot, could be a possibility I suppose.

It is unusual I think to see a date of entry recorded as late as this as dates were recorded to ensure a Star was awarded - not for BW&VM as I understand it.

The date in question (10.1.17) came from the Royal Defence Corps Medal Roll for BWM & V qualification. Of the seven men listed on the page I was interested in six served overseas for the first time in 1917 (the other was 1915).

Cheers Again


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