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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st Gordon Highlanders

Guest scotlad

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Guest scotlad

As a private I've still got to earn my stripes here and I'm absolutely amazed at the amount of detail that turns up on the topics, it goes from Anzacs to zeppelins and back again, somebodys done a great job here.

I've got a brief extract from the 1st Gordons batt. war diary which says the batt. attacked from Hill trench near Monchy, took the mound and some high ground. Does anyone have any info which could give me a better idea of the attack, was the mound of any importance?

Where was Hill trench?

It's probably a long shot but does anyone know much about who the german units were on that part of the front.

My great uncle was killed on that day and I'd like to visit the area later in the year with the idea of planting a tree in his name as he has no known grave.


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I hope the following extract from "The Life of a Regiment--The History of the Gordon Highlanders " Volume IV 1914 - 1919 by Cyril Falls will be of some use to you :

"This might well be accounted the end of the Battles of Arras, but the official reckoning includes events of June 1917 and even later. After a pleasant month’s rest in the generally beautiful weather of that spring and early summer, the 76th Brigade returned to the front with orders to take Hill 100, now known as Infantry Hill, east of Monchy-le-Preux, on June 14th.

The 1st Gordons attacked on the right. This battalion always moved as fast as it could, though sometimes forced by artillery programmes to go slower than it liked. It believed in getting clear of the German barrage line. This time there was neither British nor German barrage—simply a dash across the open to bring off a surprise, then a curtain of fire to cover the position when captured. The Germans were in fact completely surprised. The first objective was taken on time except for a pocket which was quickly cleared by grenadiers. The Gordons shared a haul of about 150 prisoners. Then the rest of the objective was secured. At 5..30 p.m. the Germans counter-attacked. Artillery and small arms fire broke them, though they got to within 45 yards of the posts. "

A second counter-attack by a battalion in the early hours of the 16th regained two outposts on the hill, but the Gordons stuck to the main line. At their third attempt they killed every German in one of the posts, but the enemy defiantly held the other. A third counter-attack was launched on June 18th when the 1st Gordons were about to be relieved. It was generally defeated and any ground taken by the enemy, except the post mentioned, was recovered. So the regiment said farewell to this battlefield with a success. It was costly enough, the losses mostly due to artillery fire.


Killed Wounded Missing

Officers 6 4 ---

Other rank 64 158 27


Jim Gordon

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Guest scotlad

@ Jim

Thats very good news Jim, it's brought some daylight into what happened. All I have to do now is find out where Hill trench was, presumeably in front of Infantry hill!!

I've read hear there's a CD of trench maps which I'll have to get hold of.

With a name like yours are from Aberdeenshire?


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My Father went to WW1 with the 1/7th. (Deeside) Gordons on 4th. August, 1914.

When he returned home in February, 1919 all his family - Mother, Father, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins et al had moved to Fife in 1916. Consequently he married a Fife girl and I am,and always will be, a Fifer.


Jim Gordon

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Guest scotlad

Sorry for the delay in answering but yesterday was a holiday over here which meant a family day.

@ Robert

Many thanks for the map, it has given me a very instructive overview of the area, you were spot on.

@ Jim

My hometown is Fraserburgh so I'm a Brocher.

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