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RGA -15th Siege Battery


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A number of people were kind enough to respond to a query some months ago about SAH Dell who was killed serving with the 15th Siege Battery on 5th October 1917.

Dick emailed me a photo of Arthur Dell in a group and him alone.

I wanted to now ask - is this a book on the RGA, could I get a copy of the pages with the photo, does the book talk about RGA training , will the book show what this Battery was doing over an extended period prior to 5th Octonber and so on. Unfortunately I just cannot download the photo of Dell in a satisfactory manner on my computer. At some stage there will be time to bring in "Dial A Nerd" which is a useful group helping people like me. But I would like a good picture and as much information on Dell. I am looking at his records at the PRO on 7th July.

Where can you point me? I understood from what you said that the War Diary is not available. Where elsse can I go.

Many thanks and sorry for the hassle.


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Katie: The photo of SAH Dell was not from a book. It is a single photo that I picked up somewhere in the distant past. I could print it out and send it to you if you would email me your address. In my earlier message to you I listed a possible file that might contain his service records and you might want to check that at the National Archives (PRO).

I can give you the following information on the 15th Siege Battery: The Battery went to France on 11 July 1915 armed with four 6" Howitzers (30 cwt) with 19 Heavy Artillery Brigade (HAB). It was rearmed with four 6" Breach Loading Howitzers (26 cwt) on 3 Jun 16 and transferred to the 31 Heavy Artillery Group (HAG) on 7 Jun 16; to 33 HAG on 11 Jul 16; back to 31 HAG on 25 Jul 16; to 6 HAG on 4 Oct 16; to 21 HAG on 14 Mar 17; to 92 HAG on 30 Apr 17; to 89 HAG on 29 Jun 17 and to 21 HAG on 10 Jul 17. It transferred to the XVII Corps Heavy Artillery on 1 Aug 17 and back to 21 HAG on 14 Aug 17; to 42 HAG on 6 Oct 17 and to 2 Canadian HAG on 28 Oct 17.

On 11 Dec 17 it transferred to 70 HAB, RGA and remained with that unit for the rest of the war, being made up to six howitzers on 6 Apr18 with the addition of one section which joined from 522 Siege Battery.

The 15 Siege Battery War Diary for its home service from Dec 1914 to Mar 1915 is available at the National Archives (PRO) under WO95/323. Its war diary for the time it was overseas has not been found. You may find some information on the battery in the war diaries of the various HAGs and HABs that it served with during the war.

Regards. Dick Flory

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Dick, Thanks for the reply and the information.

I am grateful that you would send me on the photo - I just cannot get the printing out right - at some stage I will become more software and computer literate.

My addresss is : Judge K Satchwell, High Court, Private Bag Xy, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa. Sorry for the hassle.

I do have the file number you gave me and I have ordered the file from the PRO whcih I will be viisting for the first time on 7th July.

Thanks also for the info about the 15th Siege Abttery.

Where can I find out about training of RGA officers. Arthur Dell was a university graduate and worked as a civil engineer on the SA Railways. He went over to the UK at the end of 1915. What would he have been trained in? What would a 2nd Lt do in a gunnery battery???

I note from his death certificate that his wife and daughter came over/kjoined him and were living in Eastbourne at the time of his death. Would Eastbourne have been near any posting he might have had? Any reason why there - she was very Afrikaans and I am surprised that she went to England.

Many thanks


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