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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Sgnt Major John Stuart McCann, Lancs Regmnt

steve fuller

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Hi all

A friend has asked me to see if anyone had come accross this guy in their travels at all? Was his Gramp and I think Ive got him curious!

He's not 100% but remembers him as a medal and ribbon clad Sergent Major in the Lancashires, who was covered in scars etc and wouldnt talk about it (obviously). Went to Gallipoli for sure and probably went elsewhere later in the war....

The only Lancs unit Ive come accross in Gallipoli so far is the 1st of the 'Regulars' in the 29th Division. Were there any other Lancs boys in Gallipoli please???

Thank you anyone who can help me stir his curiosity!!


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As well as the 1st Battalion which you mention, there were the

1/5th Battalion (TF) landed W & Y beaches 5th May ’15

left W beach night 27/28th Dec ‘15

1/6th Battalion (TF) landed W beach 5th May ’15

left W beach 27th Dec ‘15

1/7th Battalion (TF) landed W beach 5th May ’15

left W beach 27th Dec ‘15

1/8th Battalion (TF) landed W beach 5th May ‘15

left W beach 27th Dec ‘15

9th (Service) Battalion landed 6th Aug ’15 A beach [suvla]

left West beach [harbour on northern point of Suvla Bay] 18th Dec ‘15

details from Ray Westlake’s ‘British Regiments at Gallipoli’


Michael D.R.

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Not to mention 6 Loyals, 6 King`s Own, 1/4, 1/5 & 6 E Lancs, 6 S Lancs and 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10 & 11 Manchesters! Phil B

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Cor blimey! Was only gonna see if I could help him a bit!!! Looks like Ive got a 4th person to research lined up then! No pubs for me for a while ... !

Just to check, these were all in the Balkans theatre?

Thanks very much guys


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No, they were all in Gallipoli! Phil B

Sounds like it was a private was between the Northwest and Turkey! No wonder it was viscious.


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I don`t think vicious is quite the word, Steve. Hard fought perhaps, but the Turks finished up as respected enemies. And victors, of course. Phil B

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I don`t think vicious is quite the word, Steve. Hard fought perhaps, but the Turks finished up as respected enemies. And victors, of course. Phil B

I quote from a book, but a different phrase would be best - ur right.

As I understand it, the Lancs Regmnts were well respected and heavy medal winners (etc), and the Turks were obviously hard, trained troops with good weapons etc (and prob a bit upset/motivated from the Russian disaster 6 months earlier?). And they won as you rightly say! Not being able to recover the dead and dying on a regular basis also suggested a degree of determination from both sides to me, so I took it as read that it was a difficult theatre (even allowing for the rest of the conflict)?

Still, respect to them all regardless! And thanks for the info


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