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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte Charles Gordon 14th Battalion Northumberland F

Guest Northumberland

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Guest Northumberland

The photograph shows my Grandfather Charles (Charlie) standing next to his comrade and friend Ernie Richardson (later his corporal or lance-corporal I believe). The word 'Cook' written on the picture probably refers to Ernie’s later business as both are believed to have been signallers.

It was sent to Charles by Ernie on 24 August 1931 ( just found by my sister) with the following words

Dear Charlie

Sorry I have been so long in replying to your letter. Am in business (our own) at a café in the busiest part of the town, and haven’t had time to go to see Billy Bell. My wife saw him three weeks ago, but I hope to see him on Saturday and have a chat to him Will write to you again. Hoping you are all well. Very glad to hear from you and to get the interesting snaps.

Thought this would bring memories of Arras August 1916 after July 1 on the Somme

Yr old friend Ernie.

The two of them seem very relaxed in the photograph and the bond forged between them at war lasted their lifetime.

Although I never knew my grandfather I did know 'Uncle' Ernie who lived with his wife, my Aunt Alice in a delightful thatched Cottage in Stoke Mandeville, Bucks. (it is possible he met Alice while in training camp near there) I spent several summer holidays with my family with them in the 50s and early 60s.

Ernie and Alice did not have any children and he was not believed to be fond of them as a rule but Ernie said that any family of Charlie's were family to him because he credited Granddad with saving his life when he fell ill with some kind of fever in France. The story goes that granddad would raid any available source, including farms behind the lines at night, for decent food to make Ernie broths to supplement the pretty dreadful rations they had.

I understand that my granddad was also full of praise for the Salvation Army for the support they provided to the troops at the front saying that it was better than what they got from the Army


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