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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Grenadier Guard from Lancashire

Guest pawi

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My grandfather Frederick Ward, born in Bury, Lancashire c. 1878, lived most of his life a few miles away in Haslingden, in the Rossendale Valley, Lancashire. In the 1914-1918 War he served in the Grenadier Guards, probably as sergeant. There were local units, including the Acrington Pals (Accrington lies about 3 miles to the North of Haslingden). I have a vague idea that it was not his first time in the Army. Why would he have joined the Grenadiers?

Where did the regiment serve in the war? My father, also Frederick Ward, was born on 13 January 1917, so presumably my grandfather was on leave in the spring of 1916.

Any ideas? Many thanks.

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My grandfather Frederick Ward, born in Bury, Lancashire c. 1878, lived most of his life a few miles away in Haslingden, in the Rossendale Valley, Lancashire. In the 1914-1918 War he served in the Grenadier Guards, probably as sergeant. There were local units, including the Acrington Pals (Accrington lies about 3 miles to the North of Haslingden). I have a vague idea that it was not his first time in the Army. Why would he have joined the Grenadiers?

Where did the regiment serve in the war? My father, also Frederick Ward, was born on 13 January 1917, so presumably my grandfather was on leave in the spring of 1916.

Any ideas? Many thanks.


If you're looking pre-August 1915, then you'd need to know which battalion he was in to get an idea of which division he served with. Post Aug.1915, he'd have been a part of the Guards Division. Take a look at the main site and you can get a rough idea of the movements of this regiment along with its division.

He probably joined the Grenadiers because they were an impressive regiment and he fitted the physical description of enlistment (especially if he joined pre-war). Basically , he was attracted to them. There was no necessity to join your local regiment either then or now. For example, my family (all from Burnley) has had members in the East Lancs (my local regiment), the Lancs Fus.,the Loyals,the RA, the Kings Own, the 10th Hussars, the Manchesters, the Border Regiment, the Irish Guards and the HLI (not to mention the RFC/RAF and Royal Navy). All this between 1899 and 1918!


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I have asked that question before (why did he join the grenadiers), about my great great uncle JH Mepham. From the photo ive seen he didnt look particularly fit, and certainly not the typical soldier. I am supprised that he didnt join a Kent regiment or even the royal sussex (as he was from the Ashford area), Why join the elites (knowing that they were highly regarded and therefore likely to see some action). Its the same with his brother, who joined the Royal Fusiliers as soon as he turned 18(Porbably conscripted but I dont know yet) , why the fusiliers and not a more local regiment?


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Why join the elites (knowing that they were highly regarded and therefore likely to see some action).

Dave, that's exactly the reason.

An example is who would want to crawl through mud wearing a kilt? but thousands did from Newcastle, Liverpool and London, just to be a well regarded regiment witha smart uniform and a good possibilty of seeing action.


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Its the same with his brother, who joined the Royal Fusiliers as soon as he turned 18(Porbably conscripted but I dont know yet) , why the fusiliers and not a more local regiment?


If he was conscripted, he wouldn't have had any choice in the matter.


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Once you had been conscripted you could end up anywhere.

I can see what you are getting at but conscripts were used as replacements in Territorial Bns.


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Sorry for going off half cocked. I didn't realise we were talking specifically about J H Mepham, as opposed to his brother, otherwise I wouldnt've mentioned Territorial Bns. Guards Regts as you probably know didn't have them.


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oh right ok (sorry), I'm not sure if JH's bro was conscripted or wether he decided to join after his brothers death at the Somme. It's difficult to know because he survived the war, therefore there is no info on CWGC or SDGW.

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Pte. J H Mepham (Grenadier Guards) would have enlisted sometime in the period 29 November - 2 December 1914.

Hope this helps.



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