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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Volunteer Battery 24 FH Canada?

Guest gaalli

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When my Canadian uncle John Henry "Jack" Allen joined the Australian Imperial Force in 1916 his Attestation papers show prior military service as:

1907 Resigned, 2 weeks Vol. Batty 24th F.H, Canada

The F.H, could also possibly be read as F.A,.

What and where was the Vol Batty 24th F.H?

Would one simply "resign"?

He was probably in the Toronto area at the time, but also spent some time in Manitoba.

George Allison


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Hi George:

The 24th Field Battery was a pre-WWI Canadian Militia unit that was created in 1905. The 24th was from Peterborough, Ontario and they were one of two batteries that made up the 10th Field Artillery Brigade, which was headquartered in Cobourg, Ontario.

As a member of the Canadian Militia, your uncle could resign.


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Hi Garth;

Thank you very much for the response and answer to my question.

Do you know if any record of his enlistment application would exist and if so, where it might be held?


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Hi George:

If any of these records still exist they would probably be part of the National Archives of Canada's collection. You can contact the NAC from the US using this toll free phone number: 1-866-578-7777.

Good luck in your quest.


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Guest stevenbec


Let us know what you find.

As he is a later member of the Camel Corps/ALH, I am also interested as per your inquiry on the ALH Assoc webb site.


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Thank you Garth...

I will send them what information I have and see if they can locate any record.

Steve... will keep you informed.


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