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North Walian soldiers


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Robert Graves, in his book 'Goodbye to all that' mentions, after a large influx of Welsh recruits(?) from North Wales during 1915 that:

'they were difficult soldiers who particularly resented having to stand still while NCOs swore at them'

Was he right?

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Martin, could you reference this quotation, please, then we can put it in context?



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Sorry Gwyn

The quote appears on Page 71 of the Penguin classic edition, 2000 reprint.

This was early in his army career. He joined the RWF, and had just finished his training, and was discussing generally issues of discipline.

He mentioned that the Regiment had less than 1 Welsh speaker in 50 in peacetime. Most recruits came from Birmingham. Because of the influence of Chapels, this situation seemed to continue early in the war due to their opposition to soldiering.

It was only when Lloyd George became Minister of Munitions in 1915, and persuaded Chapels that the war was a Crusade, that there was 'a tremendous influx of Welshmen from North Wales.'

He then made the comment already quoted.


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Thanks, Martin. I will think about it.


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Wasn't that around the time when one of new RWF Welshmen fouled the parade ground and blamed it on a stomach complaint, only for the sargeant to remark that the said deposit looked as if it had taken some very great effort to produce?


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"soldiers who particularly resented having to stand still while NCOs swore at them"

Why the surprise? :P

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Seems to have surpised Graves- but was that difficult?

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