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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Previous Service

Chris Talbot

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Dear All

My wifes Grandfather William Robert Richards enlisted with the Durham Light Infantry 8/7/1916. On his enlistment papers that I have a copy of the question is asked have you served in HM Forces before, the answer was yes he had served as a driver in the RFA.

The question is as there is no other information about his first term of service in the RFA in the folder do I need to look for another set of records and another medal card to find out about his first term of service.

eg do some soldiers have two or possibly more record cards and sets of service papers.

Yours Chris Talbot

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How old was William Richards in 1916?

Is it possible that his previous service in the RFA had been in South Africa 1899-1902? and subsequently pre-ww1?


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Guest Ian Bowbrick

Of all the soldiers I have researched who previously served in the army before serving WW1, their records were attached as an annex to their 14/18 service record. I am not saying that there are no exceptions to this 'rule', but I have never found a case where it was not so.

Ian :ph34r:

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Following on from Ian's comment I have found fairly full and complete WW1 service records for soldiers that had served and been discharged previously where the previous service record was not annexed. I am thinking of two instances in particular.

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A lot depends on the various Record Offices, if for instance a Record Office looks after an X amount of infantry Battalions(not necessary Titled the same) and the individual enlists in another Battalion administered by the same Record Office his records will be annexed. The Royal Artillery Records only administers RA and a re-enlistment will get a new number and his revious record will not be annexed.


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I have found papers for several soldiers who served both prior to and during WW1 in both the WO 97 series and WO 363/364. On the odd accasion you may also find Militia Enlistment papers too. You never know your luck until you look!

Happy hunting,


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