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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

History of 3rd Division

edwin astill

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Seeing the thread running on the 4th Division reminded me of a long standing puzzle: I've never seen a decent history of the 3rd Division in WW1. I have a copy of a history entitled "The Iron Division" but it is pretty sketchy for our period, covering the whole of the Division's existence. Is there a better one that I've missed?


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I believe there was no Divisional History produced after the GW. Like the 1st and 4th, and 27th and 28th Divisions, this is sad gap in the historiography of the Regular Divisions in the GW.

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I've never seen one and I've gathered 36 Divisionals. Not sure why this should be so, perhaps it's something to do with money, or lack of it, made available to contemporary authors



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I am always on the lookout for news of the Third Division, and am amazed that for such a successful and heavily-engaged division, often entrusted with crucial assaults (Delville Wood/ Longueval mid-July 1916, the capture of Hill 40/Zonnebeke 26-28th September 1917, to name but two major actions), it doesn't have a higher profile.

William Revels

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Thanks to all - at least I've not been blind to this. A challenge for someone a bit younger than me!


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