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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Sgnt John Stuart McCann Lancs Regmnt

steve fuller

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Hi all

Can anyone tell me if theyve seen this man on their 'travels' please?

Any info like:

What Battalion?

Why are there 7 figures in his number? Is there anything that number suggests?

Just any clues please?!!

Thank you


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Army Numbering (as opposed to Regimental Numbering) began in 1920. This is an Army Number, and from the batch of numbers (3511001-3589000) allocated to the Manchester Regiment.

Any chance that he was with the Manchesters in 1920? I suspect his service record will be amongst those still with Minsitry of Defence at the Army Personnel Centre in Glasgow. Address is APC Historical Disclosures, Mailpoint 400, Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX. Searches are charged, and it helps if you know his discharge date and the Regiment he was discharged from.

Hope this helps


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Thanks DNH

this man is a friends relative and know very little about him to date. Trying to encourage my friends interest by seeing what info's readily available to tweak his enthusiasm!!

He was 'wounded and was an aircraft fitter for the latter years of his service' according to his family. Its assumed that it was WW1 but I cant confirm as yet Im afraid.

Theres a start anyway, and thank you for the address too. Will pass it on and see what happens!

Thanks again


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