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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Ralph Whitehead

Len Trim

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The heading says it all really. Eagerly awaiting volume 2 of The Other Side of the Wire and wondered what the state of play was. Ideal Christmas present to self.


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hang on, I'm only halfway through Vol I. Vol II can wait for my birthday, in February. Anyone feeling generous just ask for my address. :closedeyes:

cheers Martin B

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Ralph has just undergone surgery : three days ago he had an operation performed on his leg. I don't know how serious his condition is, but here's wishing him a full and speedy recovery from whatever it was that was wrong.

Phil (PJA)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the kind wishes. I am on the mend and getting back to normal. I will also be getting back to the completion of Volume 2 that is scheduled for April 2011. I hope to het the bulk done by the end of December and get it to the publisher. I will keep everyone informed as it goes.


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.....Volume 2 that is scheduled for April 2011.....

No rush Ralph; my birthday is not until the end of June :)

Best wishes with your recovery


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Hi Ralph,

very glad to hear that you are on the mend. Looking forward tremendously to your new book. An April publication date will give me plenty of time to read it and I have no doubt will play a part in deciding exactly what I visit during my July trip to the Somme.


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hope the leg mends soon - don't overdo it though.

Publication time is fine for me too as I go the Somme in August. Looking forward to reading the second tome.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Ralph.

Hope that you are fully recovered.

Really looking forward to part 2, are you still on schedule for April?


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  • 2 months later...

I have just completed volume 1 and i am looking forward to volume 2.

It was a fine read if the 2nd is as good as the first volume roll on volume 2.


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I received an email from Amazon.com today advising that their new estimate for arrival of Vol. II will be sometime in late September, 2011, specifically Sept 22-26.


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Chris, in the temporary absence of Ralph many thanks for providing this update. I am sure we are all keen to get our hands on vol2!


Jonathan S

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It will be worth the wait

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