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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Interesting photo of RNCVR rating


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I have thrown this out in the Ships section as it seems applicable to go here - the fellow definitely was a WWI sailor ------

Have attached an image of a photo -not 100% sure it can be called a photo, in the true sense of the word photo tho, as it has somehow been placed(perhaps laminated) on a large (6" dia) plaque, or what I thought was a very large button, similar to those political campaign buttons & the "ban the bomb" buttons one saw in the 1950-70's period.

I have never seen one of these before & it intrigued me - I have always bought (or arm wrestled for if necessary!) any sailor photos to the RNCVR or RCN WWI era, but I have never seen one like this. The fellow I bought it from had no idea about its origin, & did not know where he got it. I asked for his medals of course, but no go there!!!

Its of metal construction & the photo appears to be laminated somehow onto the surface of the plaque, the surface is definitely metal but covered with a shiny film of some sort, there is a little spot at the top where the "laminate" did not go on well I suppose. The backing is black metal (I am guessing tin) & its impressed

COLUMBIA MEDALLION STUDIOS CHICAGO, so I guess it was manufactured in Chicago USA.

The sailor pictured is definitely an RNCVR (Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve) member of the WWI period. The cap ribbon exists, its very rare & I have one in my collection. Too bad he did not have his name eng'd on the reverse also!

Anybody seen or have one of these??

Anybody know anything about the company that made it??

Was it common practice to do up photos like this in WWI??

Thanks in advance,


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So busy with the writeup & the questions, I forgot to add the photo!!!!!

Apologies, here goes...............


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