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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte. Clarke

Annette Burgoyne

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Hi all

I know that there are a few of you out there who have researched memorials and have been unable to find your man in the C.W.G.C. database. As anyone been able to prove that the chap you were researching was killed/died and should be in their records and how did you go about finding out if you were right or wrong ?

I ask because I am looking into a soldier of the 2nd King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, who is recorded in Soldiers Died plus who’s medal roll also records that he died but can not be found in the C.W.G.C. records. After making many searches of their on-line site and a CD of all known K.S.L.I. dead which they produced for me. I finally emailed them the other week, as I had run out of ideas, they replied today and said that they could find no one with the details I had given them. So where do I go now ?

His details are as follows:-

5927 Pte. William Charles, Clarke,

Enlisted Ross Camp, Herefordshire,

Born Ross, Herefordshire,

Date of Disembarkation 28-01-15,

2nd King's Shropshire Light Infantry,

Killed in Action 25-05-15

These details come from Soldiers Died and 1914-15 Star Medal Roll. His medal roll records died on or since 25-5-15 which suggests that his body was not found ?.

Thanks in advance


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I don't know if you have checked the 1901 census. The only William Clarke who appears in Ross at that time is 21 years old Born: Minster Devon Res: Ross Occupation: Blacksmith. You could check to see if your man appears on the Ross-on-Wye Memorial or even in Devon if there is someone on the forum who could help.

The other way to check would be through his death certificate which may show details of his regiment otherwise you will probably need to check the local Ross newspaper. Usually as you probably know the rural papers tend to have plenty of detail including enlistment dates and service numbers.

By the way did you ever hear back from the Francis family ?


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A strange coincidence, but my great-uncle, Robert Hildersley [3rd Middlesex], was also killed on that day, 25th May 1915, and left off both 'Soldiers Died' and also the CWGC database. I found it a simple task to get it rectified. I sent a copy of his medal index card [proved he lived], and a copy of his military death certificate [proved he died] to the CWGC, and it took about nine months to go through the system. In fact, a military death certificate on its own should be enough proof, but it's that sort of official document that you will need.

It's taken a little bit longer for his name to be inscribed on the Menin Gate, and a public thankyou to Terry D. who [rumour has it] rushed over with his own hammer and chisel to make sure the work was done :)


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Hi Myrtle

I did think about his death certificate but where would I get it from ? and can someone not related to a person obtain a death certificate, when I applied for a great great uncles birth certificate, the form asked why I was applying for it.

I may try writing to the local Herefordshire paper, asking for info., unless there is some kind soul from Ross-on-Wye willing to look at the Memorial or Minster, Devon.

The family of the Francis brothers did not get back to me, I will try them again now, if I leave it until tomorrow I will only forget, I'll let you know if they reply.



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Hi Sue

Looks like a military death certificate is a must, where did you get your great-uncles certificate from and can someone who is not related get one ?



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It's no problem getting one for a non-relative. Don't worry about the question on the form - just put 'Family History' or 'Military Research' - it really doesn't matter. There is a very long thread on the forum about death certificates that keeps rearing it's head - here is one [but I only found this one because I contributed :huh: ]

Death certificates

Here's another [more useful] one

More death certificates


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I am afraid I cannot accept your thanks as it was the nice man at CWGC who did the work - though he may have borrowed my hammer (well, it has disappeared!).

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