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Researching an Australian..


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Can my Australian friends please help get me started…

I feel like I am a real beginner here, not having done any Australian research in the past:

I have just picked up a lovely British War and Victory Medal to an Australian who was killed near Amiens in August 1918 serving with the 19th Battalion. (Pte. Alfred Lynch Killed August 11, 1918)

To start I know little about the structure of the Australian Expeditionary Force in France. How many divisions were there? Is there somewhere on the internet that can give me more info on the 19th Battalion? For starters who were they?

The 19th Canadian Battalion was a Central Ontario Regiment, raised primarily in Toronto and surrounding areas. Would this have been true for the 19th Australian Battalion to a district or province in Australia?

Lastly any helpful advice on what resources and areas I should be looking at for further research into this soldier would be most helpful.

Thanks in advance!

David Bluestein


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Guest Pete Wood

Sod's law shows that his record is not online. But here is some additional info http://www.awm.gov.au/database/roh.asp?sur...nch&conflict=W1

Look through all 5 pages of Lynch names to see if he had any family serving. Open up one of the Lynch files and you will see there is a box that says something like "Do you have any family serving in the Australian Forces....?" So it is worth looking for a cousin etc.

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To start I know little about the structure of the Australian Expeditionary Force in France. How many divisions were there? Is there somewhere on the internet that can give me more info on the 19th Battalion? For starters who were they?

start here perhaps http://www.unsw.adfa.edu.au/~rmallett/index.html

My records indicate no unit history for this infantry battalion published

Good luck

Geoff S

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Guest Pete Wood

Scroll to the bottom of that page, and delete the name Lynch.

Here is another link to this http://www.awm.gov.au/database/roh.asp

In the box, next to unit put "19th"

Now enter the date "11/08/1918"

You'll find the details of the 17 other men from his unit killed that day.

Go to the Red Cross records of these 17 men and, if you are lucky, you will find a mention of him - or, at the very least, get an eyewitness account of what happened on that day to the troops around him.

The Aussie records are great for this.

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First port of call is the AWM Website. Go to Biographical Databases and look in the Nominal Roll for WW1, Embarkation Rolls foir 19th Btn, Roll of Honour and Red Cross Wounded and Missing Files for your man.


Geoff is correct and there is no 19th Bn history written however there are some details of the battalions movements on the site.


For details of what they were doing on the day of his death or other key dates you can look at the official history.


You can also contact the Research Centre at the AWM who will point you in the right direction to access copies of the Battalion War Diary.


You can order his service papers from National Archives at:


There were five AIF divisions. A detailed AIF Order of Battle is available at the following:


And there you have him pretty well researched.


Tim D

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It si also a good idea to try the Collection Databases when doing research. I have found photo's of men in there on numerous occasions. There does not appear to be one of Lynch.




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The embarkation roll can also give you the basic details when he enlisted such as place of residence, next of kin, occupation, religion, age etc.

This link should take you to the 19th Bn embarkation roll. With his service number he is likely to be in the 1st to 13th reinforcement section. This may take some time to download.


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Thank you ALL (Aussie and Brit's) for taking the time to post so many links and suggestions! I will post my future findings here as they develop for all of you to see...

Much thanks again,

David Bluestein


PS: The song should now be: "...When Canada needs a hand, Well here IT IS!"

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