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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

POW Ottoman

Dogan Sahin

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A new book on POW in Ottoman hands has been published by ATASE. There are many names with regiments etc. for those interested. Its printed in Ottoman, Turkish and English.

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Askerlik Tarih Arflivler ve Stratejik Enstitiü = ATASE = Turkish General Staff Military Archives

This is the web-site of the TGS here http://www.tsk.tr/eng/index.htm but I regret that I have been unable, so far, to trace the Military Archives section.

I hope that Dogan will be back here soon to give us some more information.



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  • 2 weeks later...


I had forgotton about this link :) sorry for late reply.

Basically, ATASE is responsible for research Archiving of Military History/Docxumentation, attached to Chief of Staff and has fundemental records.

The book on POW is titled " Canakkale Muharebelerinin Esirleri, İfadeler ve Mektuplar" Vol 1-2. ( POWS of Canakkale Wars, Testimonials and Letters ).

Book can be obtained through " ATASE Daire Baskanligi", or private book sellers such as http://www.pandora.com.tr/urun.aspx?id=197757. The book costs 20 TL if bought through ATASE but it seems 40 for each volume at private sellers.

Im sure googleing the title will yield some results.


Edited by Dogan Sahin
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Askerlik Tarih Arflivler ve Stratejik Enstitiü = ATASE = Turkish General Staff Military Archives

This is the web-site of the TGS here http://www.tsk.tr/eng/index.htm but I regret that I have been unable, so far, to trace the Military Archives section.

I hope that Dogan will be back here soon to give us some more information.



Cover of the first volume of the book Dogan mentioned


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