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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Honour for old heroes

Alan Seymour

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News item taken from today's (23.6.04) Daily Mirror.

Honour for old heroes

Three of Britian's oldest war veterans - with a combined age of 317 - were honoured yesterday for services to the nation.

Henry Allingham, 108, of Eastbourne; Fred Lloyd, 106, of Uckfield, East Sussex; and William Stone, 103, of Oxford , received the National Veterans' Badge at a ceremony in Sussex.

Of the three - who all fought in the First World War - the youngest, Mr Stone, said: "All I hope is that we make a better job of this century than we did in the last"

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any idea where this took place,

I knew there was a reason i should read the freebee on fridays (if it was in there!)


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Yeah apparently it took place 'here' in Eastbourne...

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How many Knighthoods are we talking about - 10 - 50 - 100 ?

If only we had taken so much notice 20 years ago --- so many stories lost forever?

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Guest Rob2347


I think that when the time has come for the very last WW1 Veteran to go over the top once more, that he is given a State Funeral. It should also be the same for the last WW2 Veteran, but hopefully not for many years to come.


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How many Knighthoods are we talking about - 10 - 50 - 100 ?

Very few, and they all deserve it more than the average footballer or pop star. There are so few left that it wouldn't really "devalue" the institution. Is that possible?

Italy Knighted its WW1 Veterans back in the 1970s. Possibly too soon, but one of my great uncles had the "bumf" on his wall. As he was in his 90s at the time it meant a lot to him.

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