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George Armstrong Custer

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Peter Hart's eagerly awaited Gallipoli is due for publication on February 3. I've placed a completely unbiased* review of it here:


*Despite the fact that he bought me an extra pint on both Monday and Tuesday.

Water Carrier George

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Ah, but isn't it the unsigned copies of Hart books which are rare and valuable, Brian? I've certainly never managed to get my hands on one of these elusive creatures - they're as rare as unsigned copies of Bryn Hammond's 'Cambrai'!


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An exorbitant price, eh? Great stuff - that's your Scottish antecedents showing through there, Robert! As to how your copy got past dear old Bryn's ever ready pen I cannot imagine - it must be the one that got away!


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.....Despite the fact that he bought me an extra pint on both Monday and Tuesday.

Water Carrier George

Sorry to have missed meeting you last night George, but I understand from Mr. Hart that it was several more than just an "extra pint" that the two of you managed!



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I understand from Mr. Hart that it was several more than just an "extra pint" that the two of you managed!

Ah. He told you that, did he. I can explain, though. It was all Simon Justice's fault. He led us astray on the Monday - Pete and I are not at all used to the pace of drinking he set.....

Yes, I was sorry I wasn't able to stay on till the Wednesday and therefore missed the opportunity of catching up with you and Mick and the others after the IWM gig. Another time, hopefully.


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Another book on Gallipoli ! Wow...what a challenge !

I look forward to buying Peter's book : and I especially look forward to comparing it with one of the treasures of my bookshelves....Robert Rhodes James's GALLIPOLI. I bought that book in hardback in 1965 ; it was, along with Alistair Horne's THE PRICE OF GLORY, the formative Great War literary influence of my childhood. I remember agonising over whether to buy the book because it cost fifty shillings, which was a bit too much for me to cope with, but what a superb investment it turned out to be. Apart from the content , the book itself is a joy to posses : it retains its crisp, pristine feel....they don't make'em like that any more !

I never got on with Moorehead's book.

It's re-assuring to read in George's review that Peter does justice to the French contingent.

I have yet to visit the Fatal Hellespont. What time of year would you recommend going ?

If you see this, Peter, are you still up for that drink ?

Phil (PJA)

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Ah. He told you that, did he. I can explain, though. It was all Simon Justice's fault. He led us astray on the Monday - Pete and I are not at all used to the pace of drinking he set.....


I am very disappointed that you and your fellow water carrier did not obey my instructions. On the other hand Simon did need to celebrate his reward. I am in two minds over whether I regret not staying on.

Charles M

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Charles I hope that you'll forgive our disobedience when I tell you that it was done purely in a spirit of altruism. It seemed only decent to help Simon spend his award - in case he lost it on the way home, or something. Maybe you and Gordon can stay on longer and keep us in line in June. Or lead us even more astray, perhaps.....

Penitent George

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My copy arrived today and I am grealy looking forward to reviewing it for SToo. But I have decided, on balance and knowing PH, not to get my copy signed. I will shelve it with my unsigned, and thus very rare, copy of Edward Heath's "Morning Cloud. You must remember him, the irritavble old s*d who lied us into the "Common Market". Heath that is not PH.

best regards


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A reminder that Pete will be giving a talk on "Helles - the Real Fight For Gallipoli" at the conference on 2nd April in Birmingham - and thanks for giving the GWF a mention in the acknowledgements!


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I bet he charges extra for the unsigned ones!


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Hi chums,

Hope you enjoy Gallipoli - I certainly enjoyed writing it. I have now re-activated my personal website on http://www.peterhartmilitary.com/ which I hope gives you an idea of what I was up to! It also has a listing all my 2011 talks. In a burst of activity I have written a couple of blog pieces which I thought of as the humorous ramblings of an irritable old punk rocker, but which Polly has so far refused to put up! Watch this space!

I'm really looking forward to the GWF Conference where as some of the cynical here have suspected I will be selling unsigned copies of Gallipoli for a mere £20 compared to the just £15 I charge if you let me sign them! But really I'm hoping you will get all over-excited and buy them off Amazon or some other INTERNET supplier - there must be one! If you do use the GWF link please!!!


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Your assessment of the Gallipoli campaign is unremittingly damning, Pete, and it hits very hard.

Are there any people out there brave enough to challenge your view ?

I doubt it.

Best to you

Phil (PJA)

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Good to see the website's reactivated Pete,

I can't make the WFA meeting in York on Feb 19, where the "shy and retiring Mr Hart will be speaking" but I'm looking forward to the GWF conference and I'll hopefully get a copy there

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"By quite a coincidence I had just taken out the book Jutland 1916 from my local library, not realizing that it was also written by Peter. I am not normally a fan of Gallipoli but if Jutland

is a good read I may just have to buy the new one and see what it is all about.

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For those who may indulge in eBookery, i am assured by the publishers that the digital version of Peter's book will contain the illustrations.

I've been disappointed in a couple of recent downloads to find they were left out, so I've decided to check with the publishers whenever I might buy a book for my Kindle in future.

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<snip> It was all Simon Justice's fault. He led us astray on the Monday - Pete and I are not at all used to the pace of drinking he set.....



On the basis that no documentary or dna evidence exists...it never happened.



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Hope Peter brings plenty of signed copies to the WFA meeting in York February 19th.

Have read two of his book's and looking forward to purchasing the new book on Gallipoli.

Going to Gallipoli hopefully this October so a copy will be extra special.


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On the basis that no documentary or dna evidence exists...it never happened.

I shall confine myself to paraphrasing Miss Mandy Rice-Davies - "Well you would say that, wouldn't you!"

George Profumo

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