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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte Billy Jackson VC


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According to today's Daily Telegraph (Sydney version), today is the anniversary of the award of the VC to Billy Jackson.



Private Billy Jackson loses an arm in fierce fighting in Armentieres, France, but keeps searching for missing mates. He later becomes the youngest Australian to receive the VC."

Does anyone have the citation for his award at hand?

It seems to me that it may be "sensationalised" for the press. I cannot imagine ANYONE "looking for mates" whilst he has an arm missing, with blood gushing out etc. (memories of the opening sequence of "Saving Private Ryan" with the soldier searching for his blown-off limb!).

I can imagine severe wounds to his arm, and despite these wounds, he carries on searching for other mates, and subsequently losing his arm after the surgeon decides it cannot be saved and performing an amputation.

Can anyone enlighten me as to the facts?

Steve Drew

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On 25/26 June 1916 near Armentieres, France, returning from a successful raid, several members of the raiding party were seriously wounded. Private Jackson got back safely and after handing over a prisoner he had brought in, immediately went out again under very heavy fire and helped to bring in a wounded man. He then went out again with a sergeant, to bring in another wounded man when his arm was blown off by a shell and the sergeant rendered unconscious. Private Jackson then returned for assistance and went out again to look for his wounded comrades.

Serving with 17th Battalion from New South Wales, Billy was Australia's youngest VC winner, being only 18.

Taken from this webpage.

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