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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Yorkshire Regiment 9Bn


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I'm trying to find information on a Private C Whitfield (Charles), 11896, Bailleul Communal Cemetry, name on War Memorial in Guisborough Yorkshire, dod 11/01/1916 age unknown.

Trying to find any details of his family please!

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Hi Colin, and welcome to the forum.

Bob Coulson is your best bet for any info on this regiment, but i'll provide you with SDGW details.

Born, Scarborough

Enlisted, Middlesbrough

Residence, Guisborough

Spellings seem a bit dodgy to a Yorkshire man though!!


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Can't help with any family info you would need to see if his service record survives at the NA or perhaps check census info.

The 9th battalion landed at Boulogne on August 27th 1915 and spent the remainder of the year in and out of the line in the Bois Grenier sector south of Armentieres.

Still in this sector in Jan 1916 I qoute from the history,

"The battalion saw the new year in with fine style by making a successful raid on the German trenches for which we had the honour of recieving 3 Military Crosses and 6 DCM's.

Raid was led by Capt Thompson and 100 men."

I would say that Private Whitfield was wounded in this action and died on January 11th in hospital as he is buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery which was one of the main hospital centres.

I also checked Middlesbrough War Memorial roll but he is not listed there.

Hope this info will be of interest to you.


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