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The Somme : The Unseen Panoramas (2011 version) by Peter Barton


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The Somme : The Unseen Panoramas (2011 revised version) by Peter Barton with Jeremy Banning

Peter Barton's "The Somme" is now available at amazon:


Edited by Matt Dixon
Edited at request of author to include proper title.
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Been meaning to start a thread on this for ages now but thought I would wait until near the publication date and now see that have I been pipped to it. This 2011 version is a revised edition of the 2006 book. The most obvious thing to note is that the subtitle has changed from 'a new panoramic perspective' to 'The unseen panoramas'. Other than that, text has been revised throughout and some pictures and maps have been changed.

Some images have been replaced and, most notably, we have included a section of one of the most remarkable panoramas of the war – a German panorama taken on 18 August 1916 from a spot near Grevillers showing High Wood and Martinpuich under British bombardment. The undamaged tree-lined Albert-Bapaume runs right across the image. Certainly one of the best panoramas. We had it with us at the Aubers Ridge commemorations at Fromelles in May and many who saw it were amazed.

Probably the most relevant inclusion to spring 2011 is the revision and addition to the section concerning the use of the Livens Large Gallery Flame Projector. We have added pictures of the weapon in testing at Wembley and some shots from our successful archaeological dig at Mametz in May 2010 showing elements of what we found from the machine. I have seen the first rough cut of the 'Breathing Fire' TV documentary for worldwide distribution which is looking good. A version for a Channel 4 Time Team Special is being cut for the UK market and will be broadcast later this spring (exact date to be confirmed).

Publication date is 24 February but I would imagine that copies may be in the shops by now - they are usually there a week or so before official publication.

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I'm just a bit concerned here.

I bought The Somme A new panoramic perspective, (ANPP) in 2007. Does the revised 2011 edition indicate that it's a re-issue because the original imprint is sold out, or does it mean that so much of the Somme ANPP is erroneous, or essential information omitted, that The Somme TUP will replace it completely? It seems to me that only 4 years life for The Somme ANPP is a very short span if it's replaced by The Somme TUP so soon.

I've also bought The Battlefields of The FWW and Passchendaele by the same authors. Will the same thing happen to these titles as well? If so , it seems like a fairly cynical piece of marketing as the centennial looms.

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Battlefields was revised with new and additional material. If my memory holds up, the original cane with two CD's of panoramas, while the revised edition had new material, which according to the preface include over 100 new images. All the images are now on a DVD. I'm not sure how long a gap there was between editions, but I didn't regret buying the second version. I think you are maybe too cynical. It is surely a positive thing that Jeremy and Peter didn't just say, "that's it, done" but have continued their research and used it to upgrade the books, even if that means that some of us have paid out our hard earned cash twice.

I'll be ordering the revised Somme volume, and taking it with me on my retirement trip to the Somme in a couple of months.


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The original 2006 volume sold out in 2007 and so, after much delay, a new issue has been printed. As we have new material and the chance, changes have been made to the original volume. I don't think it is cynical at all but merely a reflection on the realities of publishing books. As for the sub-title change, I would suggest you ask Constables. It was their decision alone to amend this. If you had new material and the chance to showcase this in a revised volume, wouldn't you?

By the way, Battlefields was re-released in 2008 with more material included plus the panoramas on one DVD as opposed to two CD-Roms. This was done because of 'new' panoramas found in the German archives plus the fact that technology had moved on and at the request of many readers who were using Macs which were unable to run the CD-Roms.

If you have the 2006 volume then it is your choice whether or not to get the new version. I would imagine that most people who already own the 2006 version wouldn't get the new one but (as Keith has shown above), some will. That is the reader's choice entirely. My brother (who is a tour guide) is delighted as his old copy is in pieces now. Finally, we were always told by the Thiepval visitor centre that it was their best seller in the shop and that they still have people asking for it. As such, those who didn't get a copy of the earlier volume can get a copy of the new one.

Best wishes,


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Thank you for your reply Jeremy. It certainly clarifies the matter. Also Keith, thanks for the comment.

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Hmmmm, tempting.

I may have to nip away and browse a well-known website or three to see what the street prices are.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In a shameless piece of publicity I noticed when receiving the monthly email from the National Archives earlier today that they were advertising the Somme volume. I went on their website and saw that they have it as Book of the Month. Not sure how that will help with sales but I guess it cannot be a bad thing.

See http://www.nationala...ov.uk/bookshop/

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