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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

3rd Rifle Brigade.

Simon Furnell

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Afternoon all.

I have just recieved some info on one of my great-Grandads,an army regular pre 1914,who served with the 3rd Rifle Brigade.

He was 2688 Sergeant Francis H Habgood,A Company,3rd Rifle Brigade and was seriously wounded on the Somme in 1916 and honourably discharged on September 14th 1918.

His story is pretty amazing and he lived to a ripe old age,dying in 1977 at the age of 80 plus.

He spent time serving in Tipperary after he was wounded and up until his discharge date,taking his whole family with him.My grandad remembers that when he first started courting my Nan,in the 1930's,G-G had a Lewis gun in the back garden and an assortment of German items,including a Pickehaube and a saw back bayonet.

I have read that the 3rd were in Ireand at the start of the war in 1914 and went to France,with the BEF,at a later date.

Does anyone know if this is true or not?

My grandad seems to think that he ony served in Ireland after 1916.

Look forward to hearing from anyone that can help.

All the best.


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On 4 August 1914 the 3rd Bn Rifle Brigade were in Cork. On the 18th August they were in Cambridge and then moved to Newmarket. 12.9.14 the Bn landed at St Nazaire and on 14.14.15 were part of 17th Brigade, 24th Division. They remained in France until the end of the war. On 11.11 1918 they were at Bavai.

Terry Reeves

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