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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Guest J.Woodward

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Guest J.Woodward

I am currently researching the names on the University of Bristol war memorial and am a little stuck. A while ago some Plas kindly helped with some suggestions when names on the memorial failed to match with those in the CWGC records, with the result that a few 'missing' men were found. But one that defeated all was L.E.Wheeler.

But, having spent a while perusing copois of the Bristol Times and Mirror I came acroos this entry:

"Mrs L.E.WHeeler, of 5 Partition Street, St Augustines Bristol has received official intimation that her husband Cpl S. Wheeler (Glosters) reported missing since July 10th is now reported killed in action."

This reveals one Cpl Sidney Wheeler3832 2nd/4th Glosters, KIA 19.07.16, commemerated on the Loos Memorial.

Could it be then that the name on the Memorial is mistakenly that of the wife who informed the University (I must point out that a number of the dead were porters, clerks and even stokers from the Uni boiler rooms so no suprise as to the rank etc) rather than of the husband who died. Or am I perhaps clutching at straws here

Has anyone ever heard of anything similar?

Yours in Hope :D


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Joe, From Soldiers Died how about :-

WHEELER, Lawrence Edward

291049 Pte. 9th Service Bn, Devon Regiment.

born and enrolled at Southampton

killed in action 26/10/17 France and Flanders

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