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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Essex Regiment

Ali Hollington

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Having recently been given details of soldiers deserting the Essex Regiment (thanks again Mandy) it shows a lot from various btns going adrift in Harwich. Was this port used a lot during 1915/WW1 or can anyone else explain the prevelence of Harwich?


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Harwich is in Essex/Suffolk... best I can do..

Can get a definitive answer from the keeper of the Essex Regt if you want.


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Hi John,

I live in Essex, so I can confirm Harwich is in Essex, unless the yokels have moved the border downwards!

As to the Essex regt museum, I'm hoping to get up there soon, (maybe tommorrow or next week) but if you have established contacts with anyone at the museum it would be great if you could try.



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The person to see is Ian Hook he is the keeper.

Wont be up there for a while I am afraid


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Is that thePolice gazette list from Mandy? If so she sent me a copy and I couldnt open it.

Who from the Essex Regt was listed?


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Mandy listed the people for me on the forum, give me a minute and I'll either post a link or do a bit of cut and pasting.


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You could try:


to get to the thread but here (hopefully) is the details kindly provided by Mandy.

Essex Men Deserted/AWOL.

C. Baldwin, 18379, 13th Bn. 38yrs, 5’ 3¼”, complexion- fresh, hair- brown, eyes- blue, labourer.

Enl- 24/2/15, Canning Town. Born Poplar.

Des- 11/5/15, Stratford.

Scar left knee.

A. Baker, 13867, 10th Bn, 34¾yrs, 5’ 4”, fresh, brown, blue, carman.

Enl- 8/9/14, Stratford. Born London.

Des- 23/4/15, Colchester.

Scar forehead.

D. Boatman, 18977, 3rd Bn, 23yrs 5’ 3½”, --, --, --, labourer.

Enl- 20/4/15, Southend. Born ?

Des- 7/5/15, Harwich.

Tattooed left forearm.

C. T. Bradford, 13942, 10th Bn. 26¾yrs, 5’ 3”, fresh, brown, brown, packer.

Enl- 8/9/14, ???. Born London.

Des- 22/4/15, Colchester.

John Buckley, 17213, 13th Bn. 19yrs, 5’ 4”, fresh, brown, blue, vanguard.

Enl- 11/1/15, Finsbury. Born Bethnal Green.

Des- 14/5/15, Stratford.

Scar right hand & foot.

W. Collins, 9430, 3rd Bn. 24yrs, 5’ 6”, sallow, dark brown, hazel, general labourer.

Enl- 8/2/10, Warley. Born Bromley by Bow.

Des- 13/5/15, Harwich.

Scar right knee.

W. P. Cunningham, 18418, 3rd Bn. 31yrs, 5’ 7”, --, --, --, wharf labourer.

Enl- 23/1/15, Stratford. Born ???.

Des- 10/5/158, Harwich.

Flowers, snake, palm tree left forearm.

H. Dipper, 6749, 3rd Bn. 31½yrs, --, fresh, brown, grey, labourer.

Enl- 10/5/02, Stratford. Born West Ham.

Des- 9/5/15, Harwich.

Mole on abdomen.

Samuel Gardner, 3174, 11th Bn. 39¾yrs, 5’ 9¾”, --, brown, grey, horseman.

Enl- 21/9/14, Colchester. Born Boxted.

Des- 10/5/15, Shoreham.

H. Goodwin, 14548, 10th Bn. 23yrs, 5’5”, fresh, dark brown, blue, labourer.

Enl- 8/9/14, Canning Town. Born Poplar, London.

Des- ??? Codford.

W. A. Green, 17302, 13th Bn. 33yrs, 5’5¼”, fresh, brown, blue, seaman.

Enl- 15/1/15, Stratford. Born Newark, Nottinghamshire.

Des- 14/5/15, Stratford.

Tattoo’s both forearms and mole on chest.

A. Greenwood, 16878, 3rd Bn. 34yrs 5’3½”, --, --, --, --.

Enl- 4/1/15, Chelsea.

Des- 10/5/15, Harwich.

Edward Harman, 8805, Depot, 26½yrs, --, fresh, brown, brown, general labourer.

Enl- 14/11/16, Warley. Born Walthamstow.

Des- 3/5/15, Warley.

Sailor clasped hands right forearm.

W. Jackson, 18947, 3rd Bn, 21yrs 5’9”, --, --, --, labourer.

Enl- 19/4/15, Colchester.

Des- 8/5/15, Harwich.

George T. Jordan, 9630, Depot, 22¼yrs, --, pale, brown, brown, labourer.

Enl- 13/2/15, Ilford. Born Canning Town.

Des- 27/4/15, Warley.

Star right ear, mole left cheek, star right buttock.

James Millett, 3504, 3rd Bn. 38yrs, 5’5½”, --, --, --, steel fixer.

Enl- 28/10/14, Stratford. Born Bromley by Bow.

Des- 5/5/15, Harwich.

Annie Hall and dots left forearm.

W. J. O’Keefe, 10211, 3rd Bn. 22yrs 5’8”, fresh, brown, grey, labourer.

Enl- 5/8/13, Warley. Born Bethnal Green.

Des- 8/5/15, Harwich.

Albert John Pheby, 7223, Essex Rgt. 28yrs, --, fresh, brown, grey, labourer.

Enl- 15/10/02, Stratford. Born Whitechapel.

Des- 28/4/15, Warley.

A Pheby Love a Downe right forearm.

J. Prior, 10142, 3rd Bn. 25½yrs, 5’8”, sallow, brown, grey, factory hand.

Enl- 11/2/13, Warley. Born Bromley by Bow.

Des- 10/5/15, Harwich.

Scar left forehead and cheek.

P. G. Saunders, 13703, 10th Bn. 35¾yrs, 5’3”, dark, black, brown, boot repairer.

Enl- 8/9/14, Hackney. Born Bethnal Green.

Des- 1/5/15, Colchester.

Emblem forearms.

John Say, 15566, 3rd Bn. 21yrs, 5’6”, --, --, --, cab driver.

Enl- 9/11/14, Southend. Born Stanford-le-Hope.

Des- 8/5/15, Harwich.

T. S. Staples, 15516, 11th Bn. 28½yrs, 5’5”, --, --, --, cooper.

Enl- 7/11/14, Canning Town. Born Canning Town.

Des- 12/5/15, Shoreham.

Birthmark below right breast.

Thatcher, 8415, 3rd Bn. 28½yrs, --, fresh, fair, grey, seaman.

Enl- 6/9/05, Warley. Born Whitechapel.

Des- 9/5/15, Harwich.

Woman’s bust right forearm, scar over left nipple.

Benjamin Watts, 14961, 10th Bn. 20¼yrs 5’6”, fresh, dark brown, brown, labourer.

Enl- 14/5/14, ????. Born London.

Des- 22/4/15, Colchester.

I Love Sarah right forearm, hand revolver left.

Territorial deserters.

H. Ansell, 1982, 1st Yeomanry, 21yrs, 5’7”, fresh, brown, brown electrician.

Enl- 17/3/15, Colchester.

Des- 16/5/15, Stanway.

W. J. Holeman, 1991, 1st Yeomanry, 19¼yrs, 5’7¾”, dark, brown, brown, clerk.

Enl- 18/5/15, Colchester.

Des- 16/5/15, Stanway.

Birthmark right forearm.

Anyone in particular you are after?


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