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35th Divison


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Can anyone tell me roughly where the 35th Division were on 1 June 1918. I've looked on the LLT and know they were involved in the Battle of Bapaume in March but the man I am researching was KIA on 1 June and is buried in Martinsart Cemetery

Thanks Judith

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From The Royal Scots History.

17th Royal Scots, 106 Brigade, 35th Division was North of the Somme at AVELUY from middle of May 1918 where, despite trench warfare, it held training exercises. It remained there until the beginning of July when it moved to the Mount Kemmel sector.

So near AVELUY.

see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&xhr=t&q=aveluy+somme+france&cp=5&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Aveluy,+France&gl=uk&ei=DwSTTb_8CpG08QO20OXmAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBcQ8gEwAA



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there were four deaths in 203 RE on 1st June 1918. From GEOFF's WONDERFUL SEARCH ENGINE.http://www.hut-six.co.uk/cgi-bin/search1421.php

001 BEAN H 84413 203RD FIELD COY 01/06/1918 ROYAL ENGINEERS

002 GARNES H 410316 203RD FIELD COY 01/06/1918 ROYAL ENGINEERS

003 HULM EW 212971 203RD FIELD COY 01/06/1918 ROYAL ENGINEERS




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Can anyone tell me roughly where the 35th Division were on 1 June 1918. I've looked on the LLT and know they were involved in the Battle of Bapaume in March but the man I am researching was KIA on 1 June and is buried in Martinsart Cemetery

Thanks Judith


They were at Aveluy. On 1st June the 104th Bde attacked Aveluy Wood with the south-west section as objective. Just prior to the advance 203rd Co RE and 2 platoons of the 19/NF were brought up under cover of Heathcote's Bank, their job was to assist the infantry in consolidating the wood. At 3.25am a barrage was put down on the edge of the wood and a smoke-screen covered the southern flank. At first the attack was successful, the western edge of the wood being occupied. By 5.30am the 18/LF was on the final objective in touch with the centre company.

About midday the enemy counter-attacked and the troops in the wood were gradually forced back. The 18/LF and 203rd Co RE had to withdraw across the open to Heathcote's Bank. The 19/NF suffered heavily, having been almost annihilated, but the Battalion later sent out parties who were able to recover all the wounded.

Above from 35th Divisional history



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Just another perspective of the same action from the 19th Durham Light Infantry (35th Division) as related in "Durham Forces in the Field".

"The brigade held the north-western portion of Aveluy Wood, the line running thence south-west to Martinsart. In the early morning of June 1st the 17th and 18th Lancashire Fusiliers made a valient attempt to clear Aveluy Wood of the enemy, but were too much hampered by the thick undergrowth and hostile machine-gun fire. The 19th DLI, in reserve, had no casualties in this action, but withdrew to the "Purple" Line in the evening and were shelled out with a loss of 6 killed and 2nd Lieut. Cunliffe and 51 others wounded at dawn on 2nd June."


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  • 1 year later...
Guest josbailey


Hi. Edward Hulm is my great-grandfather and I'm going to visit his grave later this month.

I was wondering if you found any more information about him e.g. when he joined up with the 203rd and where he was prior to June 1918?



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