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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Location of Papot.

Bob Coulson

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Looking into a Yorkshire Regiment officer who after leaving the Somme with the 8th battalion took over front line trenches at Papot.

Could anyone give me a location please.?


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There is a "Pappotje Farm' in Zillebeke near Ypres. It is situated on trenchmap:28NW4, J25B.

Today there is still a'Pappotstraat' which you reach by turning (coming brom Ieper) to the right at Clapham Junction.

Possibly this is the place your'e looking for.


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Evening all.


Which 8th Yorks,if you don't mind me asking?

Had a relative in the 8th West Yorks.

All the best.


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Thanks for your replies.

Simon, he's 8th Yorkshires, Green Howards.

Jacky, could be, they moved by train to Steenwercke and he's buried in Berks Cemetery Extension.

Bit of a puzzler?


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Just had a look at the maps cd and managed to find Het Pappotje Farm on the north eastern corner of Shrewsbury Forest.

Looks to be a fair bet, as there appears to be no village as such with the name of Papot.

Many thanks.


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Bob, the Papot you are after is not in the Ypres area. It is a hamlet on the Armentieres-Bailleul road, northwest of Nieppe. It's about a mile northeast of Steenwerck.


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