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K.S.L.I. Tour

6th Shropshires

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Hi All

I have been thinking about doing a K.S.L.I. Tour but have to admit that I keep getting cold feet, I like the idea of the tour but am scared of any commitment. I had tested the water with a big battlefield tour company, they liked the idea but wanted me to do the organising, and I was hoping that they would say they would do the organising and just leave me to plan where we would visit. Anyway I went off the idea for a bit after that but it keeps coming back into my head, so I am thinking why not look into doing it myself.

So forum members I need your help, as anyone run a one off trip for themselves.

What are the pitfalls ?

Is it best to take bini-bus (16 seater) or big bus (40 + seater)?

Do I need insurance to cover myself for running such a trip ?

How many days would be best (I was thinking five to cover most of the K.S.L.I. battlefields)?

Is it best to make one hotel my base for whole trip (I was thinking of staying at different hotels as we travelled southwards, i.e. Ypres, Arras & Somme)?

Is it easy to book hotels for large groups ?

What are the costs of such a trip ?

What other Questions should I be asking ?

Am I mad for trying to undertake such a trip without ever doing anything like this before :w00t:


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Hi All

I have been thinking about doing a K.S.L.I. Tour but have to admit that I keep getting cold feet, I like the idea of the tour but am scared of any commitment. I had tested the water with a big battlefield tour company, they liked the idea but wanted me to do the organising, and I was hoping that they would say they would do the organising and just leave me to plan where we would visit. Anyway I went off the idea for a bit after that but it keeps coming back into my head, so I am thinking why not look into doing it myself.

So forum members I need your help, as anyone run a one off trip for themselves.

What are the pitfalls ?

Is it best to take bini-bus (16 seater) or big bus (40 + seater)?

Do I need insurance to cover myself for running such a trip ?

How many days would be best (I was thinking five to cover most of the K.S.L.I. battlefields)?

Is it best to make one hotel my base for whole trip (I was thinking of staying at different hotels as we travelled southwards, i.e. Ypres, Arras & Somme)?

Is it easy to book hotels for large groups ?

What are the costs of such a trip ?

What other Questions should I be asking ?

Am I mad for trying to undertake such a trip without ever doing anything like this before :w00t:


You are asking a number of questions that only you can really have the answer too.

Pitfalls - In this day and age you need to do a risk assessment , take account of travel arrangements, places to stay at, places to be visited and who is likely to be on the tour. Then you can begin to work out possible pitfalls. Until these are all identified then you cant begin the risk assessment.

16 or 40 seater - until you have an idea of numbers taking up the tour .......

How many days - until you have sorted an itinerary taken account of number of places to visit and time involved for people to see/do then its an unknown quantity again.

Base/availability of accommodation - again depends on itinerary you would need to plan a logical route etc and take account distances/time involved to get round. For a coach party you will in all probability be looking at larger hotels that can cater for numbers for sleeping and of course eating that of course depends on what you plan for the likes of eating arrangements, group meals etc.

Costs, how long is a piece of string - all down to cost containment and negotiation with coach company for hire of coach and driver plus ferry/rail/toll fees costs. Again negotiating with Hotel/s for group bookings, meals etc. Plus of course time of year and days there, weekend against midweek can affect price structures. Then of course is the inclusion things like any entrance fees to any museums you may want to visit etc. that will be evident from itinerary.

Insurance - Oh yes that is essential as a safeguard - was on a day trip a couple of years back to ypres and someone fell whilst disembarking from the coach, they fell onto someone who was on pavement and resulted in a broken leg resulted in a broken leg. The injured person is still going through the list of people to sue, coach company, organiser, the person that fell onto them , and whoever else they can try and lay blame onto.

Culture of No win no fee nowadays makes this all too common and insurance cover 100% essential to help in such cases or it can turn out very expensive! Of course the insurance company will most likely want to see the risk assessment has taken account of everything or they will try and wriggle out of paying! That case in question is still going on two years down the line!

What other questions - put yourself in the position of someone taking up the trip, ask yourself questions they may likely ask and go from there.

Are you mad to want to undertake the task - possibly....lol But provided you do your homework, plan in detail and take account of anything that is likely to crop up then it should work out fine.

There are many trips organised every year by people and by and large go just fine - but remember you will never please all the people all the time, you will undoubtably get at least one moan along the way, thats life and folk!

Detail is in the planning as they say, plan well and execute accordingly.

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Thanks for replying, running a trip looks like to much hassel, will just do a one person trip, no hassel other then looking after myself.


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Don't be put off.

There is a bit more work involved in organising but its not so far removed from organising a trip for yourself. The basics are the same in working out an itinerary and routing options etc.

Its really a case of expanding this to take account of group situations and going the extra mile in taking account of the needs of others and planning accordingly.

Once you have the basics sorted start discussing it with a coach/tour company you may well find that they will take the reigns on sorting out the difficult bits like accommodation meals and insurances etc If you choose one that has experience in the region they will undoubtedly have most of the contacts in their little black books and then things become a whole lot easier.

They could also come up with suggestions for itinerary amendments too based on past experience, they will know the expend ability of time for instance when stopping to visit a location.

Once you have discussed with them things will fall into place and the areas of costs etc slot into place.

Really bottom line is if you have the time and inclination to start the ball rolling.

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Hi dsms

Don't be put off

I just hate the throught of all that organising. I know all the places I wish to include and I already have a basic itinerary which I worked out when the idea first poped into my head but it's only been done via google earth so may not reliable for timing & route. I think I will do as you say and try and find a coach company that would be willing to do the sorting out of the difficult bits like accommodation meals and insurances etc .


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  • 1 year later...

So, did you do it, Annette?


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No Chris I have not got around to it, I had hoped to have been able to stand down as captain of my local hockey team but we got promoted to Division one of the Worcestershire League and they (the team) talked me into doing another year, so I've been tied up with Summer league and now have six-severn months of Division One hockey to look forward too. I have also found out that the Regimental Muesum plan to run trips from 2014 to 2018, so may go with them or just do it by myself once the season ends.

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Why not work with the Regimental Museum, to help them improve their trips?

What you learn from them in terms of organisation and contacts will help you to understand better what you need to do to run a trip yourself?

The WFA doesn't have a Shropshire branch, the nearest being Wolverhampton & Wales (North) , Lancashire & Cheshire, Birmingham & Heart of England.

Have you thought of contacting them and canvassing interest from their branch members?


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Hi Simon

The Regimental Museum seid they would kept me informed as to what they planned, that was well over a month ago and they have not contacted me, so guessing they do not want my help. I am in two minds as whether to go with them anyway, and over the past few months I have starting to think along the lines sod passing on my knowledge, if I go by myself then have no one holding me back to how long I spend looking around, or how far I walk, maybe not the right way to think.


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Have you spoken about this to Dawley Jockey (Dave Shaw)? He goes out a couple of times a year. I go out two or three times a year, but always take the family (I really spoil them!).

Dave may be your best bet- tell him I said to ask him. (Steve John from Muller).


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Thanks Steve I will bear Dawley Jockey in mind and ShropshireMad. Chris' post and following posts have made me start looking again into finding a local mini-bus firm, and I am at present looking into one from my old village but he is small scale and may cost more then bigger firms, will see what sort of prices he can do it for and how much help he would give me with booking rooms ect.


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Hi Ron

I should have contacted you once I found out the Museum planned to run trip, to let you know sorry.


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