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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Victor Peerman - Light Horse


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Hi everyone,

I have probably posted about this guy before, but I am now trying to do some more specific research on him and I am very confused about his service records. I have a copy of them and I can figure out that he was a Gunner in the 13th Light Horse 5th F.A.B. My problem is I have found while researching on the War Memorial website there are a number of different groups of reinforcements etc so I don't want to start down the wrong track. Could someone more clued up than me please take a look and confirm his battalion, company etc details?

Thank you I appreciate the help as usual I don't know what I would do without you guys.


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Hi Liesl,

According to his papers was initially a Lighthorsemen. He appears to have embarked Australia with the 7th Reinforcements, 13th Light Horse Regiment according to the Embarkation Roll. For some reason his service papers state 12th Reinforcements, but I would think this is a typo given that the date he embarked appears to be 23 November 1915 and the 12th Reinforcements did not leave Australian until 20 October 1916.

The 13th Light Horse Regiment were in Egypt when he joined them. He was transferred from them to the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column there on 10 March 1916, and embarked from Alexandria for France on 20 March 1916 with that unit.

The majority of the AIF Infantry Divisions were moving to France around this time. The 2nd D.A.C. were the unit with the 2nd Division responsible for bringing up the ammunition to the guns (artillery attached to Division).

After this he was transferred to the 4th Field Artillery Brigade and assigned to the 10th Field Battery. In 1918 he was transferred back to the 2nd D.A.C briefly, then to the 5th Field Artillery Brigade and was assigned to the 14th Field Battery.



Tim D

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Thanks Tim,

Does that mean he wasn't a Light Horseman anymore after he was reassigned in France? Or was he moved around to those different areas within the 13th Light Horse?



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Hi Lisel,

I modified my post to make it clearer. He ceased being a Trooper in the Lighthorse when he transferred to the 2nd D.A.C. on 10 March 1916 and probably became either a Driver or a Gunner (2nd D.A.C were an Artillery formation). In any event according to his service papers he appears to have finished the war as a Gunner with the 5th Field Artillery Brigade.



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And certainly he is referring to himself as a Gunner when he applied for a copy of his Discharge Certificate in 1937!


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I recently finished researching a man who served in the 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column throughout the war. Like the Infantry Battalions, the 2nd DAC and Headquarters 5th Field Artillery Brigade War Diaries are available online if you want to locate specifically where Victor was serving at a point in time.


Interestingly this particular man's brother enlisted with the 6th Light Horse Regiment, served briefly at Gallipoli and then later transferred to the 15th Field Artillery Brigade on the 27th March 1916. I'm not sure if there was a great demand for artillery men as the AIF headed towards France, or whether the Light Horse men transferred to ensure that they saw action against the Germans?

Forum member Steve Becker may be able to add some more information about it.


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