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Anzac Day


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It was a thrill to be a part of the march at Melbourne this morning. First time for me. The reception from the crowds was beautiful. Thank you to all who organised.


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Two days ago an Australian Lady contacted me about her father who served in the 9th Bn Sherwood Foresters. Her eldest son was wearing Granddads medals at the dawn service for ANZAC Day. Very apt as the 9th Bn linked up with the ANZACS on 6th August 1915.

Never Forgotten


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Sermon given by the Dean of Westminster at the annual ANZAC Day service at Westminster Abbey http://www.westminster-abbey.org/worship/sermons/2011/april/sermon-given-at-a-service-of-commemoration-and-thanksgiving-to-mark-anzac-day

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Any photos Jonathan.


Sorry, none by me. I was not thinking in that line.


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20,000 attended the Dawn Service in Canberra, Australia at 5:30 am yesterday morning. Both the Lament and the Last Post are played from the first floor gallery of the War Memorial and it is an evocative sight in the early morning light to see the piper, then the bugler in the half-light. A kookaburra called out and cockatoos screech away irreverently. It is a special occasion.

Afterwards, attendees are allowed to file past the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and families use mobile phones as torches as they try to locate the names of those who did not return on the names inscribed on the walls and leave a poppy in remembrance.

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20,000 attended the Dawn Service in Canberra, Australia at 5:30 am yesterday morning.

I have laid a wreath for my dads WW2 Commando unit for the last 14 years as the old boys are too old & frail to do it.

Each year the crowds have grown from approx 2-3000 to last year approx 30 000. This year being an Easter/ Anzac Day long weekend, I thought the crowd was approx 25 000 but the papers are saying 30 - 35 000. The thing that I am amazed at is that a good 60% are in the age group of 25 - 35, which is great to see as they are the ones that will continue the tradition.

Lest We Forget


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20,000 attended the Dawn Service in Canberra, Australia at 5:30 am yesterday morning.

Here in Perth, Western Australia, for the last 14 years, I have laid a wreath at the State War Memorial Dawn Service for my dads WW2 Commando unit, as the old boys are too old & frail to do it.

Each year the crowds have grown from approx 2-3000 to last year approx 30 000. This year being an Easter/ Anzac Day long weekend, I thought the crowd was approx 25 000 but the papers are saying 30 - 35 000. The thing that I am amazed at is that a good 60% are in the age group of 25 - 35, which is great to see as they are the ones that will continue the tradition.

Lest We Forget


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Proud to be a member of the ANZAC alliance with my mates in Aussie over the ditch.

We will remember our brave fallen.


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More from the Westminster Abbey service, including a link to the full order of service at http://www.westminster-abbey.org/press/news/news/2011/april/anzac-day-service

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I am luck enough to now keep my tent on a site 3 miles from Villers-Brettoneux and therefore attended the dawn service there for the first time this year.



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Thank you, that is a stunning picture.

While I love our simple dawn service at Blackboy Hill, with the tramp of the scouts, brownies, guides, the Last Post, the Ode and the music of the maggies and kookaburras, I am very envious of you being in the heart of place where the very earth draws you to remember.



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Thank you for the compliments; I was lucky it came out as it did - it was hand held in what you can see was very low light.

It was an honour to be able to attend. Also one of my Addlestone men is buried in the cemetery there.


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