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Professor Richard Holmes


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I can only echo the comments, Richard's death is a sad loss.

He was not only a superb military historian but a man who always had time for other people.

My thoughts are with his family


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I can always remember his visit to Birmingham WFA meeting. Very very enjoyable. Nice bloke.

Sad loss


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Terrible news. Great writer and broadcaster and a fabulous man to hear in person. Saw him do an hour talk on Wellington at Sandhurst in front of a bunch of mainly professional historians. Erudite, humorous, revealing, involving. Everything you would expect from a great communicator with deep knowledge of the subject. Approachable and welcoming at the 'do' afterwards. He'd been fighting this for some time but when I saw him on TV the other day I'd hoped he'd pulled through. Very, very sad.

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This may be a non-starter but here goes anyway. Is there the possibility of the Mods sending an official condolence/sympathy card or message on behalf of the GWF to Professor Holmes family expressing our sadness at his passing and our collective assurance that his memory will live on through the excellent work that he has produced over the years on the Great War which has brought this subject to many who otherwise would not develop an interest in a subject to which this forum is devoted.



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So sad to hear that Richard Holmes has passed away. He made an important contribution to teaching military history and left a legacy of good books and informative TV programmes on warfare. He had a unique style in presenting the subject matter and was always engaging. I really enjoyed his Western Front program which he presented in 1999 which inspired my interest in WW1. A sad loss.

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I was shocked to hear this news yesterday. I have travelled on several battlefield tours with him and greatly enjoyed them all - I was looking forward to visiting the Marne and Aisne with him in September. He was an undoubted expert and a thoroughly nice man.

Rest in peace, Richard, and deepest condolences to his family. Perhaps the Mods would like to follow up Norman's suggestion by sending the family a link to this thread?


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It's really all been said. But I think he was not merely an officer and a gentleman of the very best kind but a brilliant communicator of fact, opinion and humour. His wit and wisdom have illuminated many meetings and seminars, and he could also deal with fools gladly. His death is a great loss, particularly to hs own family and many close friends and also to the military istory 'community' as a whole. I wish him 'safe home'.

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RIP. He had an amazing ability to bring history to life and must have played a big part in creating a passion for history in so many people, myself included.

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What sad news..... one of the great communicators, a great author and historian. My sincere condolences to his family

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Richard was one of the reasons I became a guide. He inspired me with programs like 'War Walks' and books such as 'Tommy.'

I met him on a number of occasions and he was so Knowledgeable about WWI and especially the BEF on the Western Front. He always had time to talk to you and could captivate you with just a map and a few words about the BEF on the Somme. He knew everyone in the GBG by name and made a point of speaking to you. I will also have a proud memory of the day that he presented me my badge in 2004.

This is such sad news and I send his family my condolences.

RIP Richard.

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Prof Holmes was an engaging speaker, and we made a few long journeys to hear him. Thank goodness he has left such a legacy with his books and TV work; but even so, his early death means we have probably been denied more great work.

Does anyone know if he was working on anything?

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I enjoyed every book of his I ever read and have seen some of the War Walks on YouTube. Condolences from USA

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An excellent writer and TV presenter, but he was even better at talking to a live audience. I attended at least 4 talks by him, and all were superb.


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Sadly I never got to meet or hear Richard Holmes at any WFA meetings, but I always watched his TV progammes and his Books adorn my shelves. If we ever had a league leader in the premiership of military history, then Richard Holmes was that man and he will be sorely missed by all of us who are grateful for him bringing military history, not only into our lives, but the lives of others.

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I can only echo what's already been said -I met Richard Holmes professionally on a few occasions and found him to be knowledgeable, enthusiastic, engaging and not least a true gentleman of the old school....his legacy is not only his physical body of work -numerous and thought provoking as it is- but also the vast numbers of people he attracted to the world of military history via his books and TV programs.

I believe he recently completed a book on the social history of the British soldier, due for release in September, and also edited an Imperial War Museum publication about D-Day, also due for a 2011 release. It says a lot about Richard Holmes, and his passion for his chosen subject, that he continued working to the end in spite of his illness.

Sincere condolences to his family and friends


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I would have loved to have gone on one of his walking tours. I have spoken to a couple of people who have been on tours with him and they said that he was truly amazing and the tours were always booked out well in advance. I have watched some of his programs on TV. I am very, very sad to hear this news.


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A sad loss, I once attended a talk given by him and he had a lecture room of people entralled by his talk through out, an absolute pleasure to listen to such a knowlegdable man.

He will be sadly missed, may he RIP :poppy:

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I had the pleasure of hearing Richard Holmes speak several years ago at the Festival of History. Forty-five minutes passed by in what seemed like an instant and I was both moved and inspired by his words. When I am called upon to give a talk, I usually begin by telling the story of the day I heard Richard Holmes speak and particularly of his closing words. He said, "I am constantly amazed by the job our grandfathers were asked to do in the Great War" and then after a perfectly executed pause he looked round at his audience and said, "And how bloody well they did it". His contribution in making sure that the world does not forget their sacrifice is second to none.Sadly missed.

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I had occasion to write to Richard Holmes, and received a prompt and courteous reply. I was delighted and impressed that such a busy man still maintained such "old fashioned" values. He made a valuable contibution to the armed services and to our nation's understanding of its proud history. Richard Holmes: Memory Eternal!


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I had the chance to hear Richard Holmes speak early this year but couldn't take it up. I forgot the reason but whatever it was I should have followed my inclination. Such sad news.

A link to the Telegraph obituary http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/culture-obituaries/tv-radio-obituaries/8486836/Professor-Richard-Holmes.html

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Very sad news - He was a fine historian.




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Very sad news, a great communicator. Hopefully the BBC can repeat his "War Walks" series as a tribute.

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