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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

6th East Kent Regt (Buffs)

Jon Miller

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Does anyone have access to the history of the above regt, or other information which would pinpoint the battalion's positions and movements on the dates given? Helpful input would be much appreciated.

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Nice title for your topic by the way. I wish there were more like that. Titles with unit info on them are sure to catch people's eyes rather than 'searching for grandad'


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Thank you Michael, very much, for two main reasons.

Firstly of course for the speedy reply, with a scan so succinct and to the point, there can be no improving of it! I had a bit of info already, but this is the real deal, and unbelievably, Pte W Hobbs is the man I am interested in! Pte Hobbs is remembered on a memorial in a village about three miles from where I live (N Devon). I fear, however, that one piece of info is beyond me. I would love to know where the Battalion HQ was positioned on the fateful day, but it is not clear from your extract from the war diary, nor from the history which another Pal has been kind enough to send me a piece from. One can only guess it is a small way short of Bird Trench. By the way, looking at the trench maps, I would venture that the Braeton Post mentioned in the war diary and the history is in fact Grafton Post which is immediately to the side of Bird Trench.

Secondly, thanks for the compliment about my title! Nice to know one has done something in a manner approved by others!

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It's moments like this that make the hobby of researching and collecting so rewarding for me.

When I saw the name Hobbs in that entry a couple of hours before you posted your reply, I wondered if this would be your man. As I understand it, it's reasonably rare to have an O/R named as a casualty. Perhaps because he was attached to HQ they felt honour bound to mention his passing by name.

Do you happen to know if he was a runner or batman/servant?


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I can't help with precise location of the HQ I'm afraid. The 6th Bn diary is pretty good at naming individuals, more so in the earlier years

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Matthew - I'm afraid that I don't know which he was. I have pretty good coverage of names from local papers, but I've nothing on Pte Hobbs to give me a better clue.

Michael - thanks, but I knew that you wouldn't really be able to pinpoint the HQ. It's just that I plan to go and look at the area, like I would with any of my soldiers, and it is so much better if you can pinpoint something down to a matter of yards. In this case it's going to be 'possibly somewhere in this area' when the photo is taken; not quite the finish one would like.

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I should have done this before, but I took a look the diary for the previous day and it states that Bn HQ was established near Epehy. That's as precise as we are likely to get I think.

I'd be grateful for any info you have on Hobbs. Would it be possible to post a photo of the memorial.



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Mick - will try and find photo of memorial, but it won't be for a couple of weeks - remind me if you think I've forgotten.

Really wish I had some background info on Pte Hobbs, but it all seems a blank.

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You probably already gleened this from CWGC but just in case:


Initials: W

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Private

Regiment: The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)

Unit Text: 6th Bn.

Age: 38

Date of Death: 20/09/1918

Service No: G/22003

Additional information: Son of Matthew Henry and Jane Hobbs, of George Nympton, Devon; husband of Laura Letitia Hobbs, of 31, Kelfield Gardens, North Kensington, London.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: I. D. 19.


MIC can be found at image ref 222811/35331 W.O. 372/9 or just type in Hobbs and "East Kent" and he comes up as the first entry.

On 1901 census online there appears to be a William Hobbs aged 20 born in Bridestow, Devon, residing in Whitchurch Parish, Devon and a House Carpenter. Possibly a long shot but it be your man? Also there are only 7 Matthew Hobbs on the 1901 census, 2 are over 60 and 1 is 2, so you might be able to track him that way. (No Matthew Henry listed)

Hope this is helpful,


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