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The Times on-line


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Not sure whether this has already been mentioned or is available elsewhere but I have just discovered that my local library service now has The Times available on-line for the period 1785-1985. Searches are very comprehensive and results can be viewed as a graphic, pdf or emailed as text and you can see either just a specific article or the whole page. I am currently viewing the Killed in Action columns for July and August 1916 which include obituaries, etc.

The URL is http://web4.infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/inf...1/purl=rc6_TTDA

Whether this allows general access I don't know as I had to key in my library card number and password to get access though my council's on-line library system. Certainly worth getting access to, though.

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With further use the system really is good. I have already found several sets of biographical details not available through the NA. Very quick search facility once get used to its selection foibles.

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I have just spoken to my local library, and if you have a library card there is no problem with issuing you with the details required to use INFOTRAC.



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Whether this allows general access I don't know as I had to key in my library card number and password to get access though my council's on-line library system. Certainly worth getting access to, though.

Keying in the word "trial" (without quotes) will also get you in :D:D


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Hi Kate,

Typed in trial, but then it asked me for a password. As i dont have one i cant get in??.


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Keying in the word "trial" (without quotes) will also get you in

Arggggg - I've been using this for the last month without any problems - just now when I tried it, it tells me that the account doesn't exist. Guess the "free trial" account has expired. :angry:


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Arggggg - I've been using this for the last month without any problems - just now when I tried it, it tells me that the account doesn't exist. Guess the "free trial" account has expired.

Hello Kate

I think its because you, me, Uncle Tom Cobley and all have been using it. Fortunately I was back online within minutes by accessing it using my library details, its compulsive reading.


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&*#@$*! I've lost my access too. Glad I've burned cds with much of the information on it. Now the source has dried up, I can set about the mammoth task of organising it and gleening useful information.

I heartily recommend this to any of you fortunate enough to belong to libraries/institutions that have subscribed. Can't recall whether it was on this forum but I think someone enquired about individual access and found out it cost thousands. Hopefully one day they'll make it cost effective for those of us living in deprived areas.


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Check out your local library, you never know.


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