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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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Hello as someone whose interest in the great war as took off,can any of you recommend any good books on the battles of Mons and the Marne,Many Thanks Terry.

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Riding The Retreat by Richard Holmes

15 Rounds A Minute ed JM Craster

Theres a Devil In the Drum by John Lucy

Farewell Leicester Square by Kate Kaffrey

The Mons Star by David Ascoli

The Official History

Liaison 1914 by Edward Spears

I'm sure some more ideas will be offered but heres a few to be going on with


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Good morning,

Despite their titles both these books cover the period up to and including the Marne:

Sewell-Tyng "The Campaign of the Marne"

Herwig "The Marne 1914"

Both cover similar ground despite been written 70+ years apart; I feel that Sewell-Tyng's 1935 book has the edge (there are reviews of both on the forum)

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The books mentioned so far will give you a very good idea of this period. One that I would mention as the German counterpart to Terraine's book mentioned by Chris. Walter Bloem : The Advance from Mons. Another which is getting a bit long in the tooth but was important in its day, is " The First Battle of the Marne", Robert B Asprey. Any biography of Foch or Joffre will lay great stress on this period and give the French viewpoint.

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Thanks very much there is a lot of material to look through but it will be worth it.

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For Mons, you should consider Zuber's book 'The Mons Myth: A Reassessment of the Battle' as well (not instead of). Ignore anything that Zuber says about the British. The German perspective is as good as you will get at the moment. It places Bloem's book in correct perspective.

Von Kluck's book 'The March on Paris and the Battle of the Marne' provides the perspective of the German First Army commander. It takes some work, mainly because the place names will be unfamiliar in most cases. The book gives a great impression of the effort expended by First Army to get around the French left flank.

Don't forget the British Official History.


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Don Farr's 'Mons: the beginning and the end'


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Just a couple more -

Old Contemptible - Robin Neilands

Frenchman in Khaki - Paul Maze

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Another older book, 'The Marne' by Georges Blond.


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