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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1/4 Lincolns


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Not having the war diary handy - ie I haven't got it! - I'm supposing the battalion were in the Zillebeke sector during July and August, has anyone got anymore detail on this please?


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General area would be Zillebeke. Lincs and Leics Brigade area was mainly around Sanctuary Wood south to the area of Mount Sorrel/Armagh Wood. Trenches in the frotn line were apparently "B4" through "B7". Had one trench tour arounf Hill 60 if I remember correctly.

First went into the line here on 29 June 1915.

No raids were made, just general trench holding tours combined with spells in brigade reserve and also rest at Ouderom.

Anything in particular that you are interested in?

For a general and sadly sparsely researched look at this period review Middlebrook's "Captain Staniland's Journey"

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Jim, thanks for that. I'm looking for 15 August 1915 - Private George Allen/Allan killed on that day. Be good to know where he was. Presumably shellfire got him?


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Unfortunately I don't have anything on how he was killed. I would suspect mortar or artillery fire, but there were a number of sniper losses in that period

On the same day 53-Sgt Richardson, was wounded "GSW head". GSW could relate to either a shrapnel or a gunshot wound.

George's grave was initially lost in the 1916 over Sanctuary Wood and apparently rediscovered after the war as shown by his grave's position in plot 2 of Sanctuary Woo Cemetery.

Enlisted early Nov 1914 and to France as an original member of 1/4th Lincs on 1 Mar 1915.


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